World Bosses

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Cisco, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. Cisco

    Cisco Member

    We had another world boss that was defeated, this is the second recently. People are not hitting them, maybe some new high level drops should be added.
  2. Hellhavenofury:)

    Hellhavenofury:) Active Member

    thats not the issue the health is growing at tooo fast of a rate and less are hitting the boss which equals a boss not killed kano also need to lower the def on boss along with health
  3. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    We'll be looking into a more permanent solution to the World Bosses going undefeated soon (and before anyone misinterprets that as "getting rid of World Bosses", don't worry they are hanging around for the foreseeable future).
  4. Cisco

    Cisco Member

    Maybe if we could use some of the lower level drops to craft things at higher levels?
  5. koo22

    koo22 Member

    The higher levels don't bother hitting the WB's because they can't use the drops. That's the problem and what needs to be addressed.

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