What boss i kill.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Elise Falcony, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    $1. After you buy 1000 hired chieftans you equip
    10 000 weapons and 20 000 warriors.

    Main warrior is
    Balder Protege [28/26]

    $3. There is 2 way to change warriors to better - make warriors adventure and hit bosses with warrior drop.

    Open my Elise Falcony Items list - http://goo.gl/4z31kG


    When you reach 2150 lvl you can kill 19 coop-bosses.
    But only 7 drop warriors

    Boss 1. Draugr Horde - Frost Mage [25/25] - 1/3 chance to drop
    Boss 2. Dragon Whelp - Death Mistress [30/24] - 1/3 chance to drop
    Boss 3. Twin Dragon - Berserker Chief [25/33] - 1/3 chance to drop
    Boss 4. Ice Dragon - Mountain Guardian [32/26] - 1/3 chance to drop
    Boss 5. Vampire Wraith - Vampire Hunter [29/27] - 1/3 chance to drop
    Boss 6. Loki - Shapeshifter Assassin [28/28] - 1/2 chance to drop
    Boss 7. Woadlord - Darkwoad [36/29] - 1/2 chance to drop

    $5. So to replace 20 000 wariors is very hard because drop chance warrior = 1/3.

    On every 1 000 wariors you will be get 2 000 item drop

    $6. Balder protege VC boss drop

    after dash additional attack and defence after you get +1 warrior and replace balder protege

    Frost Mage [25/25] = 0a 0d
    Death Mistress [30/24] = +2a 0d
    Berserker Chief [25/33] = +0a 7d
    Mountain Guardian [32/26] = +4a 0d
    Vampire Hunter [29/27] = +1a 1d
    Shapeshifter Assassin [28/28] = +0a 2d
    Darkwoad [36/29] = +8a 1d

    7. Why i dont craft Elite Warriors?

    For Example, compare Death Mistress [30/24] and Elite Death Mistress [45/50]

    To craft Elite Death Mistress [45/50] i need to lose 29 Death Mistress [30/24]

    Compare result
    29 Death Mistress [30/24] = +58a 0d = +58str
    Elite Death Mistress [45/50] = +17a +24d = +41str

    If i make now Elite Death Mistress [45/50] i lose 31attack point.

    Until i have balders proteges i dont need craft Elites except Elite Frost Mage.
    Frost Mage [25/25] = 0a 0d
    Elite Frost Mage [50/45] = +22a 17d

    8. What boss i kill (hit many times).

    I hit only

    Boss 3. Twin Dragon - Berserker Chief [25/33] = +0a 7d
    He add me warrior defence.

    Boss 4. Ice Dragon - Mountain Guardian [32/26] = +4a 0d
    Boss 7. Woadlord - Darkwoad [36/29] = +8a 1d
    They add me warrior attack.

    Also they drop good weapons - ~50a,~50d.

    To other boss i make min dmg, to get rewards
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
  2. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    This should keep you busy for a week or so, filling up your spreadsheet.



  3. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Above is all the stats you want up to level 8K, missing few World Boss crafting cause haven't updated it, and not going to either.
  4. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    you can only make yourself stronger by eliting warriors or weapons after you no longer use them. so concentrate on drops that replace your current usable items. also, even tho some boss weapon drops arent strong enough to use now, they make a huge impact when you CAN elite them and later on legendary so its good to load up on them...as i said to you in game, stop giving your bosses away, youre only helping everyone else and hurting yourself in the long run...think 2000 levels ahead, not 2 days ahead
  5. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Im build my strenght step by step.

    Im up minimum dmg/def on warriors first and weapon, bcse it is better NOW than make elite.

    when im up my min dmg to 51 on weapon and warriors to 30def im make begin to hit bosses for elite items
  6. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I just had to delete about 12 posts in this thread. Please try to keep it civil, folks. Thanks! :)
  7. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    and for example

    Legendary Serpent Claw Blade [51/51] - my min dnf/def=[49/49].

    1-2 month and Legendary Serpent Claw Blade dont be used on my strength.

    So i dont need to kill Serpent Boss - it is uselees,
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    useless for drops but extremely useful for exp. you dont get the best exp-stam ratio but its great exp from a boss and fast exp. you may not want to kill it now for that exp but trust me, there will come a time when you'll see im right. i usually am, thats just how i roll
  9. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    As some others said, you will need the XP from the bosses and hoarding 1000s of drops makes Elite Crafting very valuable. You'll have to hit the bosses like mad, too, to get the drops.

    Also, the drop rates for Death Mistresses are off, their drop ratio is around 3/4 with the last 1/4 being shared between the Weapons.

    I managed to acquire thousands of warriors from each boss and made them into Elites. Sure, it's time-consuming and will consume loads upon loads of stamina, but it really pays in the end.
  10. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Well said.
  11. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    VC - primitive game with primitive game logic and primitive math foundation.

    And it is easy to understood game logic.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  12. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    yes well said this is not rocket science it is a game for fun, it is a simple game, all this delving into how when, why , how much , how often how fast, is not necessary, believe me just look at what others have done, what they have and listen to the experienced players, you are only constantly spamming the forum with inaccurate observations , Elise and I recommend everyone just find your own way, disregard alot of what she says and to play a game that is for fun , this is not school, think we have all been there and done that a long time ago.
  13. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

  14. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    No you Spam , that is not needed.
  15. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member


    I'll reply to your message here...

    No, I will not send you stats in text. I did the work, you got the screen shot and posted it to one of your threads as well. So you go plug in the #'s on your own, I'm not going to make it easier for you.
  16. Elise Falcony

    Elise Falcony Banned

    Thank you very much, Matthew.

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