well done kano

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gods people, Apr 1, 2011.


do you like the new features in la cosa nostrs

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. dont know

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  1. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    | would like to say well done kano for the new content you have put into la cosa nostra. it was a joy to see the new features. totally enjoyed it today and will hopefully enjoy it in the futer. WELL DONE.......................................................................:p
  2. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    +1 to this! The Advent calendar was awesome.. But this Easter one blows it outta the water :D

    Oh, and something about masses of chocolatey goodies to come aswell.

    Just can't wait to get my munchie on nom nomnom.. .. ..

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