
Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Craig Day, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the rash of new Vikings to the game. What I find exceptionally gratifying is that they have chosen to use some variation of my and some of my friends and Guild Members former Viking names. As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I am very touched and humbled by the love and respect being shown by this action. I know I can rest assured that there is no malice attached to this action as I have agreed to cease and desist from the silly game playing and assume that others would, in fact, do the same.

    I also hope that this thread is not deleted by a moderator as one was last night. I can only wonder why.
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned


    Wow,they must really like you.
  3. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    leaving again craig ?for how long this time ?
  4. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    No I am not leaving. Where would you get that idea? I had changed my Viking name thats all. Seems to me as a moderator you are not being objective with that comment. Tel you what I will leave as long as the last player who staged a dramatic exit. See you in 4 hours LOL
  5. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    But mark your calender I will be gone for at least a week starting Sept 29th.
  6. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    The thread last night was deleted because it's against our Forum Guidelines to post player information. If you believe these accounts are fake or were created maliciously, please report them so Support.

    Also, it's important to note that our wonderful hard-working moderators are also wonderful hard-working community members and are welcome to have their own opinions and disagreements. They conveniently colour code their posts so you can tell when they're acting in a Moderator capacity (and are being objective.)
  7. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    Thank you

    Thank you Dan. One hopes that they work in an objective manner. I did not make the post last night so I dont know what it said. I do know that we are abiding by our agreement with you to knock it off and I believe that information was already provided to support last evening.

    Have great day
  8. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    sorry Craig i misunderstood what you were referring too i appolligise i realize now you were referring to the new accounts that have been started with all the old clan names
  9. John Gilli

    John Gilli Member

    I think its kind of clever that someone took the time to grab the names of the high level players that changed their name to some variation with "Legend" in it. Having said that, if I was a betting man I would assume that all those accounts are second accounts for existing players and, therefore, a direct violation of the TOS. And I guess I was also wrong in assuming that people that make a big goodbye stay goodbye-d and don't return quite so quickly.
  10. Gee... ya think? Of course they're alt accounts. The only real question is whether or not Kano's actually going to do something with them or if it's going to be another stern talking to. LOL!
  11. Ddraig Goch

    Ddraig Goch New Member

    Loving it :)

    I take it the mass 'legend' joke has bit your backsides :D

    BLACKDETH Member

    ahhhh.....Legends......whatever happened to them????
  13. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    No it Hasnt

    I think that we are all awesome Legends. No bite in the backside at all. The ones that took our former Viking Names seem to have vanished. Bye Bye. Jeff where you been?

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