[PC] TGIF...This week in Dev and Community June 4 - June 7

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    TGIF! It's time to cap off another week by having a look at what's going on in and around the Kano/Apps community!

    Player Bans May 24 - May 30

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.

    FB: 1
    MS: 9

    The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us.

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    New Limited Items!

    We have new Limited Items out this week! If you want them, they're available now!


    New Location!

    After looting the famed libraries of Alexandria, you've decided to turn up the heat in search of hotter loot. New Location: Magma Mountain!



    You've probably seen the thread that was posted yesterday about this, but Myspace is discontinuing their support for games. We are actively working on a solution, and the original thread is constantly being updated. Check out the thread here and here, and please keep discussion contained to those threads.

    Support Report with your favorite burrowing, nocturnal mammal and Answerpreneur, Aardvark!

    Happy Friday players! Bit of a nutty week over here at Kano with the impending closure of our games on Myspace. It's a big job, but the team is fully committed to making sure this issue is handled as smoothly as possible and all our effected players get looked after.

    A quick note about the Arena: a small number of players have been having trouble signing up for Arena events, and keep getting a message about their name being too short to use. So far this issue has mostly been occurring with players using slightly older versions of Internet Explorer. We are expecting to have this bug sorted out pretty quick, but in the mean time If you run into this problem, try updating your browser or switching to a different browser to sign up for the Arena. If that doesn't work, send us a Ticket with some examples of names you have tried and we will make sure you get signed up before the next event.

    Fun Fact! The Kongregate game platform is it's own entity, and is not a Kano/Apps product. We're pretty happy with Kongregate as a host for our game and are looking forward to expanding our partnership with them, however if you need assistance with your Kongregate profile, password, badges, or Kreds etc, you are best off contacting them directly, as our ability to look into issues that aren't specifically related to our apps is pretty limited. You can also visit their Technical Support Forums and Kong FAQ page for information.


    A New Community Manager!

    You may have noticed that Wonder Bread isn't doing TGIF this week. That's because I've taken over for him as Community Manager! I emerged victorious from the arena, where two men enter but only one leaves. In truth, Wonder Bread is moving on to bigger and better things here at Kano, but I'm sure you'll see his hilarious avatar in the forums now and then. Wish him luck in his future endeavors!

    Terrible Joke of the Week

    Just because there's a new Sheriff in town doesn't mean that all the old traditions are going away.

    What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear. <--- Highlight for hilarity.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!

    Play Now!

    Facebook Canvas: http://bit.ly/pc_forum_tgif
    Facebook Connect: http://bit.ly/pc_forum_fc

    MySpace: http://bit.ly/pc_forum_ms
  2. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Yay! The joke of the week is still here! And I'm not the least bit ashamed that I enjoy the lameness lol. Happy Friday!
  3. Carlos Centeno

    Carlos Centeno New Member

    Like, the new area

    Oeeee a new location, even though i'm not there yet, I'm happy to see new places :)

    The Joke was kinda funny though :p

    Oh and Welcome Mi7ch :)

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