Should reallocation of Skill points be allowed under any circumstances?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Oct 31, 2013.


Reallocation of skill points

Poll closed Nov 14, 2013.
  1. No way not under any circumstances

  2. Yes, absolutely..should be an option available to everyone

  3. Partial reallocation on a case by case basis deemed appropriate by Kano

  4. Complete reallocation on a case by case basis deemed appropriate by Kano

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i voted no, shouldnt be allowed for ANY reason. you build and live with your build, or die by it depending on who youre talking about haha
  2. lets relocate all skills and see what happens ...
    new Era , new Yuga, new age cycle... time for change .. we can do it...

  3. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    lol you WOULD say that huh jack? screw it, let everyone but me do it haha that would be interesting
  4. it been lots changes in Viking clan and other Kano apps - so many players put skills wrong and so many dont play because of that.
    so if relocation of skills be come available just for one and last time than that will be fair for everyone :)
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    lol @ Para....that would be interesting indeed.

    @ Demonik, yeah thats the way I feel about it pretty much to...but then I think of some of the examples where its been allowed by Kano because of game altering decisions theyve made and Im So do u think Kano should have allowed those that did reallocate to do so?
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Still say No to reallocation,under any circumstances. Just fix your build,if it is not what you wanted,needed etc,the day Kano allows reallocation is day I will delete the games.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its one thing to start allocating somewhere else one may have neglected, but what about the ZS example that was given? Once upon a time Energy was refilled to 10k when u leveled so obviously players allocated heavily to energy considering ZS is a energy driven game. Then Kano changed it so so energy only refilled to 4500 when one leveled. So u think Kano shouldnt have allowed them to reallocate the SP they went over 4500 with? That seems pretty harsh to me in that those SP become basically worthless and it was through no fault of their own. They played the game exactly the way it was intended at the time. So anything they spent in terms of time and money should go out the window and they should start over? So if tomorrow Kano decides to cut the amount of stamina u can get from a purchased refill to say 1000 you're going to be ok with that?
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i wouldnt be ok with it but i wouldnt want to change my max stamina to 1000 either. people should adapt to changes in the game, not expect them to be allowed to change their build when something changes in the game. i hate that i added 5k skill points to defense, wish i could take it back every time i see it but it is what it is. if they made it so that its easier to beat people on attacks i wouldnt expect to be able to change my builde cause im so attack heavy. if someone has screwed up their acct then thats on them. just because theres a cap for stam refills doesnt mean i would want to stop adding to it once ive reached the cap amount, it is what it is. im sure you could post plenty of examples that would make even me stop and say well in that case go right ahead and let them but it doesnt make it right. if theres some kind of loophole in a game that gives certain builds a huge advantage, youve got to expect that to be fixed eventually and deal with how youve built yourself...or do what you did and start over
  9. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    and it would cause a slight imbalance in some cases as well....for instance, what about achievements earned for skill point based things like 3k energy? i could put my energy down to 2k and still have the achievemnt and rewards that went along with it...same would go for alot of people in alot of diff areas
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Besides all the other obvious reasons thats def a reason not to just offer up reallocation for any old reason. But if it was allowed on a case by case basis due to something beyond there control I dont think it would be all that difficult to eliminate an achievement or two. Either that or allow reallocation only down to the last achievement achieved as has been done in the past
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Perhaps its splitting hairs but I would hardly call allocating 9500 SP to energy when they allowed 10k energy refills a loop

    A bit off topic ....but why would you keep adding to stamina if you had already exceeded/reached the cap? I suppose it might be beneficial if u were away from the game for long periods of time, but if u were a regular player that would be pretty wasteful in my opinion, especially considering its 2sp per 1 stam. just curious.
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Perhaps its splitting hairs but I would hardly call allocating 9500 SP to energy when they allowed 10k energy refills a loop

    A bit off topic ....but why would you keep adding to stamina if you had already exceeded/reached the cap? I suppose it might be beneficial if u were away from the game for long periods of time, but if u were a regular player that would be pretty wasteful in my opinion, especially considering its 2sp per 1 stam. just curious.
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I remember when I came to this game fresh from another fighting game where ""Energy" was where it was at, so I played it that way got to like 500 to 800 energy,(Been awhile so I forget the exact figure and I have an issue with numbers) before I even noticed what ya got with a level,and I was well that sucks lol the low and behold a few months or so later we got the 24hour energy boost,so for me it worked out,but I just figured I had messed up and had to suck it up, of course after the boost was added I kept adding to energy and also started paying attention and asking other players for info.Moral of my story is pay attention.
  14. slave

    slave Member

    i dont know if bacon and i are referring to the same person

    but the gist of it was this, he allocated all points to energy, knowing in the rules it stated a 10,000k nergy max, after he had achieved 1000 levels in approx 10 days, kano hurriedly changed the max regen nrg to 5000 max refill, then lowered it again to 4500. he lobbied that they had totally ruined his build and kanos lovely response was...that he had already got the use of those skills pts and tfb. after a lot of back and forth they gave him a partial reallocation, but it was not enough to get all his skills pts back and he had a qty of several thousand skill pts allocated which he couldnt use.

    everyone wants to think it was his tough luck, but until your standing in his shoes, and you get screwed by kano because you exposed a flaw in their vaunted game, you cant understand how frigging ugly it would be to be screwed like that

    if you raised your attack to 10k and then kano came out and said well we decided 10k attack is too much, so we are only counting 7500, how would you feel about that? would you be ok having 2500 allocated skill pts that were worthless because kano in their opinion decided you were too powerful? how would you react to that? feel free to use any example in which you have a lot of skill pts allocated before you open your mouths about starting over or too bad

    basically im surprised kano hasnt done it again
    but the day of reckoning is coming, kano has set refill max on nrg, stam, health.....
    when are they going to set it on att/def? its merely a matter of time...............

    but thats just my opinion
    and im basing it on the half brained idiotic maneuvers they have done in the past
    with their vaunted in game staff of experts that dont even play how can they possibly know what is good for the game at this point?

    am i being too bitter?
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im going to have to agree with ya Slave....I think most the player s that say they are 100% adamantly opposed to reallocation for any reason would due an abrupt 180 if it happened to them. All one has to do is look at some of the people that voted "100%" no and know that what Im saying is true...some of them get their knickers in a bunch if someone even says IDK....I think most people just have a hard time putting themselves in someone elses shoes because they cant see past their own noses.

    When I wrote the original post I was really on the fence with this one, but the pure lack of logic, the lack of compassion and the inability to answer the tough direct questions has really swayed me. When people are so adamantly opposed but cant provide a single legitimate argument as to why it just tells me they are opposed just because they dont need it themselves at the time and screw everybody else because of it. To me its crystal clear that there are some situations that would justify a partial reallocation on a case by case basis. Those situations may be rare but obviously they have happened.

    Before anyone gets all upset reread and note that I used the words "most" and "some"...not "all"
  16. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    PIMP you are usually consistent with ideas but why this? Honest ???? Don't say because some players got screwed spill it!
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im not sure what ya mean, Im not suggesting an idea. I was/am just curious as to how people felt about the subject. I was always adamantly opposed to any type of reallocation myself but a while back I was talking it over with someone who was allowed to reallocate based on a game changing decision made by Kano. Initially I was kinda pissed but then after I really thought about and I was able to put aside my personal differences with this person I began to understand things a bit more from their point of view. It wasnt their fault...they were just playing the game and doing the things that the game allowed them to do, they wernt doing anything underhanded...just playing the game and then Kano sorta pulled the carpet out from under them. So Kano rectified it by allowing a partial reallocation. The player was reasonable and didnt overload another attribute. So like I said...I was just curious as to how others felt. Its actually been quite

    Btw , I appreciate the fact that u think Im consistent.... I can think of worse But with that said I also like to think I can see both sides of the coin and be convinced otherwise from what I once believed if the logic is sound.
  18. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    No, I think the will abuse the system.

    Spent all points in energy to level up fast. When get bash the re spend there skill points to defending or attacking.... And so on.

    No. The points are pin point on how you have played the game in those years. Like diablo 1 and 2 you can not undone the attribution points but I like to see some skills you can change... I have no idea what skills...
  19. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    My opinion/s on things here ,there, or anywhere, are just that, my opinion/s and I for one , am not looking to convince you(Polish) :p or anyone else or change anyone's mind. As far as these games, it all lies in Kano's hands. This one example that keeps getting brought up, is just that ,one example. I would hope any other "loopholes" that players find and use will always be dealt with for the good of the game and the many.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2013
  20. slave

    slave Member

    well i love how open minded people are

    i am not in favor of offering people skill point reallocation
    i am merely pointing out that in kanos infinite wisdom, when they unbalance the game by making drastic changes, people affected should be offered something, they basically ran that player out of the game and in the end all are responsible for losing a customer and if they are ok with making changes that costs them customers thats their call

    but i think they might be a bit wiser, else they will all be on the look for a new job

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