Post your proof

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Bubba, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Bubba

    Bubba Member

    Here you go KISS members. Reply to this post to show that proof that you say you have. I will investigate any proof posted so it better be true. You have one week from today which should be plenty of time since you already have the proof and do not have to create it. If by 2/4 there is no substantiated proof posted then it will be war. It will not just be my armada, it will be all that have played with me over the 3+ years I have played this game.
    So post your reply to this post and lets see what you got. Say hi to the nurses for me!
  2. nelson

    nelson New Member

    I have read this post and it is completely incomprehensible,would somebody please provide a translation.
  3. Bubba

    Bubba Member

  4. nelson

    nelson New Member

    The Queen's English?
  5. If you can't understand what is said, then you don't need a translation. Merely an education.

    Bubba is demanding proof be provided by 2/4 (February 4th).

    If no proof is provided by said deadline, then he will go to war with the party he holds responsible for providing the proof with his captains and armada that he's played with for over three years.

    The bloke plans to wage war on ye olde enemy.
  6. nelson

    nelson New Member

    2/4 in my calendar is the 2nd of April. Who does he have a problem with and why? I knew it was a mistake to let ye in the colonies run your own affairs as our languages have drifted apart.
  7. Do you also think it's the same time of day around the world as it is in your country?

    I don't know who his problem is with and I don't care. Judging from his post, and the fact that this thread is made in Pirate Clan, I'd assume it has something to do with the KISS armada.

    Does the motherland not teach thee simple reading comprehension?
  8. nelson

    nelson New Member

    You seem to be confusing the time of the day with the Gregorian calendar Kul.You also seem to be very angry. I have not heard of the KISS armada,what is their current ranking?
  9. Bubba

    Bubba Member

    OK, no proof from KISS and a message from them saying it is back to how it was. So please go to my page and help us out, Add me if you want. Thanks

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