[All] make length of arena def. stance more proportionate to length of arena

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by polishpimp, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    what logic?

    screw the defense builds out of EARNED defense time???

    taking away even 1 second is dead wrong and warrants skill reallocation as thats a drastic impact.

    what fact??? trying to get it to benefit a certain group??

    i know what this is about...its a selfish idea..it really is.

    too lazy to wait the time out?? dont play it then?

    and about the slider...cant accept the fact that it can be used to knock out the self proclaimed king/queen of the vc arena?

    we all know that slider could very well knock em out and they know it...that IS why the slider is being mentioned and why it should be left alone...

    btw it was nice to see a inactive WIN the battle arena...

    wouldnt of happened if the active players used there heads..

    but it did happen which further proves inactive as a STRATEGY.

    the game isnt meant to be tailored to a few that are running scared bout the slider and cant handle there rivals getting good ranks.

    your suppose to adapt to changes like this..not get it reverted out of jealously and fear.
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    adapt how? they've still won in every arena they've played so it would appear that youre not seeing things clearly.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ummmm.....to be the "self proclaimed King/Queen of the VC arena" wouldnt we need to actually "claim" to be the the King/Queen first? Were just people who excel at the game of our choice....we dont think of ourselves as kings or queens. If we were that narcissistic then we would be running around calling ourselves "The giant Killer" for when we both went over to PC and beat you at your game. Just sayn ;)
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    and you did whoop up twice when the giant was in...we know what happened the first time..whether you had the knowledge personally or not...at least 2 of your team mates did(yes team mates). and that was a good strategy on there part for rd 3..the first time that happened.

    rd 5 was the other one...ben openly admitted what had happened that arena...health gave out on him..posted that in forum...even made me leader same day..just gettin what he did was amazing considering...

    in the end yes you won those 2 when the giant was in...

    u won for awhile as it did take awhile to get our act together.

    but when we did...we continued to dominate with a few small hiccups here and there..

    i actually typed to fast...not self proclaimed..sorry...

    just popular opinion your the king/queen of that arena..

    typed to fast..that i will say sorry my bad.

    for the idea itself and my stance no im not sorry that i strongly disagree with it.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    SWEEEET...not only an excuse for everything but you know what we know better the we do....U DA MAN!

    God forbid we actually used strategy and simply out played ya on numerous occasions, was it 4 or 5 times? My bad...im confused due to the giant goose egg imprinted on my brain when I tried remembering how many VC arenas u and your buddy have won.
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I said you won multiple times...only 2 times with the giant in there though.
  7. KuraiKiller

    KuraiKiller Member

    noun, plural strat·e·gies.
    1. Also, strategics. the science or art of combining and employing the means of war in planning and directing large military movements and operations.
    2. the use or an instance of using this science or art.
    3. skillful use of a stratagem
    4. a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result

    I don't personally see how a person who joins the BA and does absolutely nothing but sit there in defensive is employing any of the definitions of "strategy". Maybe it's a strategy, I don't know, I wouldn't do something like sit there and expect a reward, then cry fowl when anyone dared to suggest something that assists in the balance of the proceedings. I would be ashamed to complain about something I did nothing to earn.

    Anyone that knowingly joins BA purely to get a reward and by doing nothing but click a check-mark, is a lame duck to me, and deserves no reward at all. If you actually have attacks/kills done, then use your defensive at some point to get further ahead, fine, that's a strategy.

    As far as I am concerned, defensive stance is something to be used actively, not passively so you can reap the rewards of other player's labour. A defensive strategy is only legitimate if you are employing it actively (Example: to stop someone from attacking you, in between attacking players).

    Like hell anyone is building defensively purely for the sake of BA. They are defensive players and would be building that way regardless of the BA. Sure, they may have skewed a little more one way or the other, but why would a person put all their points into defensive, weakening them in other aspects of the game, just for a shot at a reward once every two weeks, which could still payout nothing?

    TP, you completely ignore the point about BA being shortened to 1/3 the normal duration. You know full well that your defensive build is taking advantage of it, and that's the ONLY reason you don't want either more people in the BA or for defensive stance duration to be lessened. What about all the good, active players that get killed off because the defensive stance players can't be touched yet? So you are saying inactivity should be rewarded over activity. That actually doing something is worse than not doing something. The three stamina attacks has advantaged ONE build type and only ONE build type, in a drastic way. To decry any motion to correct that extreme advantage makes you nothing more than a spoiled child not wanting to give up his toys, at least in this instance.

    Gave the idea a 10 though. Kano knows the advantage that came with the major decrease in BA time, and should have had an idea in mind before even releasing the slider bar.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Great post....ty!
  9. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i see the point of all the defensive people not wanting anything to change cause im all attack and since its changed it has taken away all the good exp i could be getting from the people that sit in dmode thru the whole thing now. i say leave it as is for awhile then change it back to the way it was and alternate it in even increments. thats the only way both parties will be semi-satisfied. changing it so that only one type of build has a great advantage is unfair to all that play and since there doesnt appear to be a medium, i dont see any other option but the one i just stated. any changes they may or may not make will not stop me from joining in every one i can and kicking ass and crossing out name after name after name....in short, do what you want kano, dmode kings and queens, attack fiends.....ill be there every time with a hungry axe
  10. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Pimp you yourself said you cant use real life definations in a battle game like "bully"

    so that post from kuraikiller is null and void...well the defination part anyway.

    you have 0 right how to tell someone to play battle arena.

    its there choice how to play it..

    and that defense time is earned so taking away even 1 second requires skill reallocation as thats a drastic game changing move if it were scaled back.

    and its also a players free will choice to enter the arena...cant force them in and i doubt inactive frozen accounts will ever get entered either.

    but yes to take even 1 second away requires skill reallocation.

    adapt to the changes like us in swm did.

    keep the slider at 3...keep d mode time as it is...keep inactive frozen accounts out of arena..dont force anyone in arena that doesnt wanna be in there.

    as on the other thread we saw someone come out of no where making posts on here.

    shes not very active andd said she dont want her account in the arena against her will.

    if someone that dont play much anymore is sayin that ya know others feel the same way.

    keep the arena as it is stop trying to alter it...games evolve and yes the slider and d time is part of the evolution.

    to add in the ridulous ideas mentioned would be 100 steps in the wrong direction as that would be downgraging the game.
  11. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I just changed my load out from attack to defense, and no I don't buy the newest and baddest chit available. Guess what, it increase my defense stance by 1/3, don't believe me go try it. Maybe that needs addressed PIMP? Problem solved.
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Or just leave it as is?

    altering anyones defense time and i for one would want my points reallocated as thats removing strategy.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I would appreciate if we could keep this thread on topic . This thread has to do with the idea of scaling back players time in defensive stance across the board in order to make it proportionate with the now shorter arenas brought on by the implementation of the multi attack slider. Everyones suggestions and comments that pertain to the topic of this thread are greatly appreciated. Please be respectful and keep comments that pertain to subject matter of different threads where they belong. TY.
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Its all related and you are welcome for the screenshot im gonna add in.


    figure it out..it really not that long.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I respectfully disagree. you have clearly referenced subject matter from 3 different threads. Although all 3 threads pertain to the arena all 3 threads are 3 distinctly different ideas. This particular thread is solely about scaling back time in defensive stance. Your cooperation in keeping all 3 threads on track would be greatly appreciated.
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    and i know i would want my skills reallocated as even taking away 1 second is a drastic change to the game.

  17. KuraiKiller

    KuraiKiller Member

    3.5 hours is far longer than the Kongregate Zombie Slayer Battle Arena needs to last. Me and my partner or crew clear it in 1.5 hours, 2 hours was the longest, bringing it down to just defensive players. All that's left is to see who has the highest defensive stance, so they can squirrel away with the highest reward, for doing nothing. So we have another 1.5-2 hours, just twiddling our thumbs like idiots. I imagine all the other Arenas with less than 200 participants is the same way. I don't find that part enjoyable at all. Maybe you are enjoying yourself, out drinking, or maybe on a date, or just hanging out with some people, or whatever, while I am sitting in front of my computer screen, actually active in the event, doing something, trying to advance my character. What did the defensive player do?

    I for one would like to see the defensive stance lowered, simply because I see what the BA is like every time, and I can tell you, it's bloody annoying and boring to be tapping 20-30 targets every minute to see who gets out next.

    Your over dramatics are unnecessary. 1 second demands reallocation? Jesus.

    Is there someone around that has a list of changes that has affected someones "strategy" over the last three years? I don't, that's why I ask...

    I would reference your other comments, but they are off topic.
  18. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    and is that story book in the beginning relevant at all?
  19. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    over on pirate kps2 arena theres under 200 that enter.

    we have no problem waiting out defense time at all.

    its the best most entertaining part bout the arena.

    defense players earned the time so they deserve to use every second of it the way they want.

    and 1 second removed warrants skill reallocation.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2013
  20. KuraiKiller

    KuraiKiller Member

    There is no point in arguing with you, obviously, as you are just going to say extreme things. You don't want your perfect little set up for the BA ruined. Just say that and be done with it. I am in the same boat, but I want to see it opened up for others. Carry on.

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