How are the Armada War skill levels calculated ?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by amadeus, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. amadeus

    amadeus Member

    I see in the Members Roster footnote : " Top 15 members by Skills (Health+Attack+Defense) used in total Armada strengths."

    Assuming the Skill values showing on the team roster are the same Skills as referenced in the quote, how is any one particular Guild members Skill calculated with Health+Attack+Defense :confused:

    I assume it's a percentage of each because I can't make sense of the numbers.

    Specifically, I'm Skill Level 8,479 on the roster below --- how is that number specifically calculated ?

    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Not sure but if ya click on Help next to rewards and Leaders on the actual syndicate page maybe that info will shed some light
  3. amadeus

    amadeus Member

    thanks Linda, but I'm not seeing an answer to my questions via Rewards or Leaders on the Guild War page
  4. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    As each skill point added to health gives you 10 health, the formula is: Health/10+Attack+Defense
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I believe the exact calculation is super secret. :)
  6. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    No is not Mi7ch lol
    That is easy skill points from health + attack + defense but remember to take off the skills you started with , i remember as a noob you don't start with 0 you have some skills to start with .
    Your secret formula is out :p
  7. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Checked in Mob lcn, viking and zombie, the formula is: Health/10+Attack+Defense - 12 .
    I am not gonna ask why is lower with 12. :p
  8. BitterSweet

    BitterSweet Active Member

    I said above :p cause when you start you don't start at 0 with your stats, can't remember exact but i think was 100 life and some attack - def skill points, the formula is based only on the skill points you used for health + attk + def .
  9. MorbidMario

    MorbidMario Member

    It's a percentage of the percent of skills points you have allocated to each of the three areas, also taking into account your total attack and defense strengths. If you look at your profile when you join the arena it will tell you what percent of your skills points you have allocated to health. Whether they calculate it at 33% for each of the 3 areas I don't know, since there are other factors in att/def yet health is just one thing.
    Last edited: May 9, 2014
  10. coolestcool

    coolestcool Member

    Exactly. You start with health 100, attack 1 & defense 1
    hence 12 = 100/10 + 1 + 1
    BitterSweet likes this.

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