Help neadet to convert from Mafia war

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by dont, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. dont

    dont New Member

    I nead some help to convert from Mob wars. If i do clik the thred for doing it it sends me to one acont i made for a long time agol Level 2 and i dont like to start from scratch. Trying to find a place to deleat that but cant find it. All help is welcom. Thanks
  2. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Not understanding ,you want to bring an account from another game company to kano ?? Is that what Kano Is offering or allowing I would be interested to know the answer
  4. Maybe the user created two LCN accounts and accidentally clicked on the drop-down menu for the wrong server? That is, they are looking at a really old account on Server 2 when they meant to access their other account on Server 1?
  5. dont

    dont New Member

    yes i have bean playing Mob wars for a long time. They are clousing it down and say That i can use a link to copy my state/level to LCN
    But it dosent work. I lookt at LCN a long time ago and now it say level 2. I realy like to now what to do to make the my old acount in to LCN like they are saying. Maby it whil work if i can deleat my acount in LCN but cant se hove to that. Anny help is welcom.
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I had thought you had to start from scratch I was not aware you could move a mob war account to LCN guess kano can tell you how although if they do honestly I do not think that is right but good luck
  7. dont

    dont New Member

    :) never fun when they shut down servers but they like players to play other game. No fun to start from start after years of playing.. They did give a link but it dident work for me. Hoping fore some help.
  8. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    in my honest opinion players should not be allow to Move there other games like that over too server 1 an 2, they should be made to start from scratch like the rest of us..just being honest about my statement!!

    I do understand that players had a Shut Down but that is the Risk ya Take playin Games on Platforms!!
    Kirsten likes this.
  9. dont

    dont New Member

    i tryd ewerything so it seams like i have to start from level 1. I can get some stuff over but have to start level 1. Have to think if i whil start again. I had 2 gams on FB that has shut down.. Hate it.. Lets se what i do..
  10. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yes, you have to start over in LCN from level 1 if your account is new. Your Mob Wars original stats are carried over and preserved on your profile, but they are not usable in any way.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes I have had it happen to me back in 2010, but I came to kano, and started playing their games, starting from scratch, and yeah it sucks but Kano games I have to say work much smoother, no glitches no WSOD, not hacked that it resets peoples accounts all the time, sure some things I don't like but for the most part they run a good game.
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Totally, any game can shut down at any given moment, and when ya have spent money it seems real sucky, but it is a gamble, and when ya think about it all ya paying for a virtual items, nothing tangible lol
    Justin the killer likes this.
  13. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    i agree with you 100% it is just like a Casino..ALL IN OR NOTHING ;)
  14. DennyDragon26

    DennyDragon26 New Member

    who want to take part in real tournament

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