February 8th Developer Update - Energy Boosts

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Viking Clan now has the ability to send Energy Boosts to your Inner Circle members. When an Energy Boost is used you will receive a 100% boost of your max Energy. You can only use 1 boost every 24 hours and you can hold a maximum of 5 boosts at a time. Along with this change the Berserk Boosts have been moved from the 'Inner Circle' tab to the 'Boosts' tab.

    To get started click on Boosts tab which can be found in the Chieftains menu. [​IMG]

    Your Berserk Boosts are located at the top of the page and will indicate if you have one active and if you can Share them with the rest of your Inner Circle.

    Energy Boosts will show all of the Boosts you have available to you and who sent them. You can send out a Request to your Inner Circle members or pull up a shortlist of 10 Inner Circle members that you can send a boost to using these buttons.

    You can also send boosts to your friends via the Leaderboard embedded in the Homepage.

    Note for Facebook users:
    When a boost is sent to you it first goes to your Facebook requests. You must accept them through requests before they will show in your Energy Boosts list.

    As always we appreciate your feedback and comments.
  2. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    I like :D

    Thanks guys and gals!

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