[All] Dev queue

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Demonik1, May 13, 2013.

  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    I liked the explanation of how that works but would it be possible for a weekly or bi-weekly update of the dev queue order of things? for fixes and other crap you can just say tech issue but at least we could see what ideas or cool additions are coming or planned on being done soonish...it could maybe show the next 5-10 things on the list? im not too sure how it works but something like this would be very cool indeed
  2. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Ditto. Seems a bit random otherwise. One man's good idea is another man's bad idea. Depends too much on whether the devs agree or not with a proposal. If they are supposed to take note of what the players propose, is there a certain number of comments or players they are looking for an an idea before they pick it up or what? That is still an unknown I think.
  3. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Greater transparency for our dev queue is absolutely something we want. Unfortunately, the development process is less linear than we'd like, but I absolutely agree that we can do a better job of showing what's coming up when we can.

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