Battle Arena Discussion (Round 3)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LMAO!!!! So the #1 player in MSPC thinks the search feature is unfair.....why is that? Is it because there is zero chance you will ever lose if its eliminated? Im guessing u didnt like the result of the last arena? The result is proof that the search feature gives lesser levels a chance. Im extremely dissapointed that a player of your stature is that greedy and selfish, Im how many levels below u in PC Ben......6-7K? I rank much higher in VC than I do PC...Do u think u have a shot at beating me with no search feature? Nope! Thats why I say keep the "search"...I for one want to give everyone as fair a shot as possible without restricting and limiting the arena, because I actually like competition
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I dont understand how this would help....if u have already attacked or been attacked by someone....then why would u need the search feature to find them? Not only are they in your feed but u can also save them. Dont u see that the search feature is the only thing that allows lower levels a shot? Who searches for lower levels? Its the higher levels that are being sought out and killed which behooves the lower levels. Complaints about the search feature? How does someone know whether they were found via this feature or that they just showed up on someones fight list? Apparently u have no idea what a free-for all is and u dont understand how the lack of a search feature will insure success for the higher levels and doom the lowers.

    How do u suggest a level 750- 5000 take down a level 10,000 without the help from friends? Take note of who is complaining.....the most recent 3 are those who got the snot kicked out of them by lower levels using the search feature after they dominated the first 2 weeks. Lesser wanted a shot at competing with the big boys and they got it and u really want to go back to only the highest levels win? Talk about getting a lot of complaints.
  3. ben

    ben Active Member

    wake up ...its unfair to all levels in the game has open a door up for gang wars in battle arena ... how many smaller levelers did you kill ...i beleave that they really need to look at this make it fair...
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Unfair to all levels? Rather than just saying its unfair could u explain why its unfair? Its free for all....that means u do what it takes to win. Be honest Ben....Do u think there is any chance that someone could beat u in the arena if they didnt have help? Even the #2 player who is 5k levels below u? Basically what u want is to have no competition big of u.

    How many lower levels did I kill? I have no idea and I dont understand the relevance. I sure as hell didnt use the search feature to seek any lower levels out...can u say the same? Obviously everyone needs to die regardless of level......except for the 4 that took u down that is. So whether Kano destroys this feature by renoving the search or not....Ya alway will have that Benny boy.....A LESS THAN PERFECT ARENA RECORD COURTESY OF YOURS TRULY! Your more than welcome to come on over to VC and take a shot at me...good luck without that search feature
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Cocky as always Pimp.Like 1 arena really means anything.Like it actually means anything at all.It's a GAME.Kano's game to be exact.If they feel removing search is the best option,who are you to disagree?Why sink to your level by using search in VC(if still available)to gang attack you for?That's sinking down to your level.Yes I changed my mind on this(not because of Ben whether you wanna believe that or not)but because it finally sunk in the pros and cons.More pros than cons.Most of the time whichever theres more of will make up Kano's mind.You really want the majority of players to not play when in fact I'm betting the feedback to get rid of the search is coming from those lower and maybe even mid levels that you say have no chance without it.Really pimp?Come on now.Only the high levels could get screwed with the search being removed.But guess what,some of us don't need it.So sorry that with your low defense you need it to get the low levels.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Cocky? how am i being cocky? Unless there is a search feature that allows multiple players to attack me.....Im not gonna lose, as is the same for Ben.

    You changed yor mind on the search feature right after your Boss got involved in the thread, lips chapped much?

    Like I said previously....I wont be doing the PC arena anymore because of the lackluster rewards. So the lack of a search feature wont affect me.....Im just trying to help out the levels lower than I. More pros than cons? Math not as strong point for you? How do the high levels get screwed with the search being removed....would love to hear this What does my low D have to do with low levels?
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Ben don't control my mind.We don't always agree on everything.But we can agree it's rather odd your pattern of posting especially after that bounty skirmish.So believe what you want.Regardless search was a problem from day 1.Low levels already know they in there with the big boys/gals.They already know they have to play it smart and have more than just gang attack as a plan.A true player doesn't need the search feature.Anyone with half a brain can type in a name and find someone.That's a weak strategy and you know it.Disabling it shows who's been paying attention and who needs to try again.You did prove that you could take out higher levels,being that all the gang attacks came from high levels to begin with.So you've successfully confirmed that search is more valuable to high levels than low levels.
  8. ben

    ben Active Member

    far as me being 10000 level i think kano has made it fair reguler game play no one can beat me ...but in battle arena all player can beat me on some where do you get its not fair if kano removes search ...and with all do respect my name is just ben ty...
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ben...In no way am I saying that it is unfair that you r level earned those levels and the strength that comes with it. But the fact that someone lower level then u can beat u a couple of times out of of a hundred means absolutely nothing, what would be the point of attacking you at all as it surely means certain doom for anyone that does. My point is that the only way anybody is going to bring u down is if its a team effort...why take that option away from them? If you take that away....then whats the point of even entering the arena if you have zero chance of winning? You could literally just sit there and attack no one other than those who attack you and still win every time.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    My pattern of does that mean? Bounty skirmish...What r u talking about?

    Whats funny is that just a few short posts ago teamwork was a good strategy and now its gang tactics. Whats funny is that a few short posts ago u were agreeing that taking the search option away would doom the lowers but know your saying it hurts the higher levels. When someone is 5k levels ahead of the next closest player....everybody else is a lower level and stands zero chance of winning. When going against a rival that much more takes much more than just a few players opening fire...they are still losing the majority of battles. You know as well as i do that lower levels stand zero chance against Ben unless they team up, considering Ben comes to your rescue when u under fire insuring u a top spot...i guess its easy to see why You r now singing a diff tune. You know as well as i do that your attack sucks and you wouldnt stand a chance if it werent for Ben. So how is teaming up to Defend each other any diff then teaming up to take someone down? Wasnt long ago that you understood what "free-for-all" meant.....funny that within a day of your armadas reign at the top ended in complete failure that your singing a diff tune. Im still yet to hear why anyone would use the search feature to look for lower levels....what would be the point of this? Confirmed that the search feature is more valuable to the higher levels??? Thats the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. All the levels combined of the players involved in bringing Ben down barely exceeded Bens level alone. So low levels know they are in with the big boys so they need to play smart? Give me just 1 way a lower level or any other player in MSPC could "play smart" and beat Ben without the help of others.....just one! The fact of the matter is that your panties are in a bunch because you were crowing about how bad ass u guys were and then u got slapped around like a red headed step child, I bet it stung.....exactly how it was intended to
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2012
  11. alka

    alka Banned

    Pros: Prevents guys with Alts from finding them.

    As far as winners and losers go I think that's down to personal achievement. I finished in 22nd place without being in a faction and without any help. I didn't use any UN's for recharges and I did a few free levels and got extra xp for my finishing position. So on a personal level I'm a winner.
    I did 5k attacks as opposed to Alec 98k and I spent less than 4 hours playing the Arena before going to bed.
    If anyone can convince me that staying up all hours and wasting real cash for such a meagre payout is worth the effort, I would be interested to hear.
    Although this Arena was fun it did not have the same appeal as the first one. I see the game getting more boring as gangs become more organised and certain people expect to win every kill or make the killer pay for daring to win a kill.
  12. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    eric you are trying to encourage players to fight , but a lot dont an just sit it out to try get higher place , well if you want players to fight then any xp they gain should give them a higher position than a player that sits it out, even if they get killed before the one that sits it out, so xp gained should place you higher than no xp gained
  13. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    True my attack aint the best.However in arena I hold my own when Im attacking and in defense.Nice to see how even with 63 kills(much more than the other 3)you only come in 2nd cause you take just as much damage as you dish out cause of a low defense.If I'm right your lowest level(which you claim is taking #1)only has 25 kills.25 kills to 63 kills and 25 has more health?Wow.Nice build Pimp,you've successfully confirmed why you want gang tactics.Because it's the only shot you've got to get someone's health low and then you swoop in for the kill losing as little health as possible.
  14. LOL, OMG, you are so transparent. Search and destroy IS a legitimate that worked quite well. THAT is why you want it gone. hahahahaha, You wouldn't know a plan if it bit you.
  15. Quit trying out your lame theories, lol. As usual, you're wrong again. We worked together as a team and we shared the kills where needed at the time. You do understand the meaning of teamwork, right? Face it. You got beat. You and your cronies thought you would walk away with the win again. Arrogance was your downfall. Oh, and our team contributed quite nicely too. :)
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Yes my Defense is pretty much non existent and even though I win the majority of my battles vs everyone but Ben I also take more health Damage than most so hence the need for me to kill more players while in the PC arena. Yes....instead of whining and crying because My account is not optimal for the arena...I adapted my game play to best use what I do have and utilize my strengths(you know.....the way its supposed to be). As I said previously....the final four is perfectly content with our ranking whole objective was not to win the arena as the rewards pretty much suck but rather to do what most people thought was impossible and that was to bring Ben down and put an end to the crowing and let the whining begin, Obviously this was accomplished and the crying began on que as we all knew it would (predictable much?). You can spin it anyway u want...but the facts remain....There is zero chance of bringing someone like Ben down unless he is tag teamed, even with that he is not an easy kill. You call it gang tactics, I call it strategy and teamwork, this is after all Pirate CLAN not solo pirate. The arena is a "free-for-all" which basically means a lack of rules and regulations....kill or be killed. To go in solo (imposing rules and limits upon oneself)and stand zero chance is a complete waste of time and would be foolish.

    You know as well as I do that I have a wide range of leveled accounts in the diff games so regardless of what happens to the search feature its going to both help or hinder some of my accounts. Your arguing that the search feature actually helps the higher levels yet at the same time you say that eliminating it will insure the lower levels zero chance of winning.....which is it? Its obvious how the search feature helps the low levels but how does it help the higher levels? Dont give this crap that high leveled player r using it to search out lower levels thats just ridiculous and would servre no purpose as lower level r in abundance on the fight list and pose no real threat. The only reason Ive ever used the search feature is to seek out the highest of levels so I can eliminate any potential threats, by doing this it insures that some lower levels will advance further. The way u want it insures that the highest of levels will go unchecked and dominate the arenas. You can call my Pirate a high level if u wish......but when compared to a Pirate that is nearly 6k levels ahead of me....I hardly think I would be considered a high level when facing him. Lets get real here....your logic contradicts itself and you were all for the search feature while your armada was dominating the arena.....mere hours after your armada got a heaping helping of whoop ass your in here crying that the search feature is unfair. Your not about whats good for the game....your about whats good for you and yours, how pathetic that your looking to gain additional advantage for a pirate that is 5k levels ahead of the next Pirate. Search feature or not...someone that far ahead should have zero problems winning if they have half a brain. The fact is that you guys were over confident and let your guard down and we snuck in and whooped that ass...Im sure it burns, but its no reason to screw everyone else over, get over it and figure out a way to win and quit crying
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Hey search or no search,what happened last time won't happen again.Yes I was originally supporting to keep it.But now I've a change of heart after weighing pros and cons.There's more pros than cons to eliminating it rather than keeping it.Ultimately the choice is Kano's.Best solution to know where everyone is with this(at least that has a forum account)is for a PUBLIC poll this way Kano can check the IP address.If someone cheats,their vote should be nullified.This will say just where everyone is on the search feature.Then again that's only a suggestion.
  18. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I'm allowed to try any theory I want.YOU don't own the forum.Very rude.
  19. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Never said it wasn't legit.Just said any novice with half a brain can search.A true player has many backup plans.
  20. OK So the first battle arena I went in all guns blazing, hit everyone and everything and placed 930 LOL disaster... The second battle Arena I was more choosy, went for targets with lower health got all of my kills stolen ended up 731 (199 places below).

    The third battle arena I was at work so missed it and forgot all about it, so I didn't have a single attack, and I placed 50...

    Your Rank is 50!
    Rewards include:

    So is my best tactic just to sit out and do nothing? Or are there going to be rewards based on people actually participating in the arena? lol :)

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