[All] Gift alerts

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by JADES, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    After the new invite system, many players are not looking for new clan and accidentally adding people, I know more cluster...
    Leave the default set on All (for the newer players), but if prefer to change setting "add" in the priority box to have the ability to do so. Pic is mocked up with all the tabs, but only 2 is really needed IMO which would be ALL or GIFTS only..

    Kirsten likes this.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes that invite system,I have to look closely at as I do not like adding people without being FB friends,and I do like to help new players get clan,but not with the new invites,and Yeah I know this falls on def dev ears, so whatever
    BrandonLee36 and JADES like this.
  3. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I understand this makes it easier for new players, but why should it effect veterans who don't want new adds? We have to look through the list deny them etc, making it more steps for us. Unless your whole plan was to make us to click the gift tab every time get some gifts and not invites.. :confused:
  4. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    actually, i normally do that, anyway. i know that i don't want to accept every invite, so i click on gifts first before accepting any of them. i still don't understand how this makes things any easier... oh, i forgot, i don't play on fb, so this "improvement" wasn't for me.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Even if you weren't on Facebook it still removed the three step process to add someone to your Mob or what have you. It just happened to be tied into a legacy Facebook requirement.

    @JADES this should be a relatively simple change, I'll see if I can get it pushed through. :)
    JADES likes this.
  6. Zoonie

    Zoonie Member

    Adding clan through Facebook is so last decade. Is there even any in-game advantage to doing it this way anymore?

    @JADES I am not really sure what problem you are trying to address. I can't see that many people complaining about, accidentally adding people. Is it that you just don't like the way it places invite requests in your inbox? I can't see that the new invite system has had any effect on the Chieftain Alerts window, so it can't be that. How many clan requests are you getting per week that makes this such a problem for you?

    I for one like the new system. In the past I would try to remember to delete clan invites after I had dealt with them but sometimes forgot and had to visit their home page to see whether or not we were clan. Why would you not want to accept new clan? There is usually no downside to having more chieftains.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I do not need clan ,I don't like adding without being FB friends, as many times It is an alt,so if I cannot check their FB page ,I will not be adding them. The new system no longer includes their FB link so I am not gonna bother copy and pasting the game link, then looking them up on FB, way too much work for me, I have thousands of clan, yet I do/did help new players out but not with this new system,unless I know who the person is, or it is a friend of a friend,or they send me a FB request, then in the gift section they are in the middle of collecting gifts here and there, no rhyme or reason,and I have to watch I don't add someone by mistake.
    Mabest likes this.
  8. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    I really don't care for the new system on FB. Like Kirsten, I want that FB link if they play off of FB. I recently had someone send me a clan invite and although I had not accepted it, it showed up on my captains page too for me to accept. Before the change, only the clan invite was in the messages and not showing up on the captains page or in the alert area. I'm still not ready to accept them as clan. Call me weird about this if you like, but I don't need clan either.
    I do add new people from time to time, all different levels too. However, it should stay my choice in all areas, if I am not ready to add them. Not immediately show up as though I sent them an invite to join me in my captains and alert areas!
    WarZone and Kirsten like this.

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