TrialPay Free Offer Support Sunset on May 6th, 2019

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, May 1, 2019.

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  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hey all,

    On May 31st, TrialPay is removing support for all of their Free Offers. These are the surveys or other promotional tie-ins you can do for free Favor Points that you can access through the button at the bottom of the game pages or on the page to buy Favor Points.

    Because of this announcement from TrialPay, we’re moving to discontinue our support for these free offers a bit in advance, starting on Monday, May 6th. This means that the “Earn Favor Points” button (see below) will be removed from Facebook Canvas. It will stay up on KanoPlay and Armor Games, but after Monday we will only show Super Rewards offers through that button.


    If you have any pending active offers, our servers will still accept them up to May 31st, but they must be completed before that date otherwise you will not receive credit for completing them.

    Players on KanoPlay and Armor Games can still use Super Rewards for free offers, but for our players on Facebook canvas, sadly at this time Facebook has not provided an alternative. If in the future we are able to get an alternative hooked up, we will let you know.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and if you have any pending free offers from TrialPay, please complete them before Monday, May 31st. If you have any further questions or concerns, send us a ticket at
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