This is what I'm talking about......

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Hashshashin, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Boss Fight Details
    total slayers: 2179
    fight started: 12 days ago......

    That's the Carnival world boss on MySpace.

    With all due respect if anyone at Kano thinks these numbers are going to significantly improve they are out of their god damn minds.

    I honestly give MySpace ZS a year before nobody bothers to play it anymore--and that's a generous estimate.
  2. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    Boss Fight Details
    total slayers: 1016
    fight started: 12 days ago

    Carnial world boss on Hi5

    Bro, they don't give a rats a@@. just want our cash but won't do anything for it.
    Must be hard as hell to add all those accts to one KANO beta side.


    Have a nice day ;)
  3. And this is somehow Kano's fault?

    Ever since Facebook came out, Myspace became a dead social network. It's not ZS that is killing Myspace, it's the fact that Myspace is a dead social network.

    Here's Facebook's boss details for the world boss, and as far as I know, it's the exact same ZS that's on Myspace.

    Boss Fight Details
    total slayers: 11285
    fight started: 5 days ago
  4. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    Sorry to open your eyes, but then you missed some things ;)
    The games are not the same, there is no calling your squad to punch someone option on myspace....for example
    So before you post something make sure you not shoot into your own knee.
  5. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Yep, comparing MS ZS and fb ZS is not really possible, there are more slayers on fb, plus they have some options you don't have on MS.
  6. Ah, that whole calling your squad to punch someone sure did kill ZS Myspace... I can see it now.

    Is that a Skyrim joke attempt?

    Seems silly to me to be mad at Kano for a dead social network regardless.
  7. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    It's not that Hash and Tri are mad at Kano cause MS and hi5 are pretty dead. It's the fact that Kano doesn't try to pool all ZS/MW/VC/PC players onto one site, where they can compete against each other. I'm pretty sure that Tri wants to have a fight list, or in his case, a beatdown list again.
  8. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    thanks eisen, some should keep their unnessesary postings for themselves since they don't know anything.
  9. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    No problem, Tri. I personally would love to see you impact on FB or a Kano Site like a Ten Ton Hammer.
  10. Sorry, I can't resist replying to several whining threads a day, Trioxin.

    Seems abundant in this area.

    It would be interesting if Kano did pool all of the players together since it would help those playing on the dead networks, but what if they simply can't do it?

    What would you do then?
  11. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    There is a difference between whining, something several ZS players from FB I see here are prone to do and a valid complaint. And sitting around on a dead network with a game character you invested lots of money in while seeing the community you play with die a bit more every day and wanting to have a chance to save the community and refresh it, if possible, seems like a valid complaint.

    An official Kano Site where all players from all networks are pooled would open possibilities for everyone.
  12. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    nobodys whining here smartypants.
    fact is that some of us spent hella cash on that game already and want something back, but nothing is happening.
    and if you really think they can't do it then i must say you must have missed technology in the last 60 years. they can transfer a game acct from one SN profile to another, so this should be a easy job!
  13. Of course. It would refresh the community and make the game more enjoyable and playable for those on the dead sites.

    As such, the suggestion/complaint should be made in a more... polite manner than say several threads calling Kano useless or quotes like:

    Since we agree that pooling all of the players into one gaming site (I.e. Kano) would be effective, then I'll stop replying here. Unless there's more argument to be had?
  14. So what

    So what Member

    the more the merrier ...have said so all along ...why not just transpose your stats and listings ... it cant take is possible ..same name same account just kano transposing your stats ..WHY NOT have one good platform than 2 1/2 full ones

    MOVE THEM OVER ...let them have the option ...
  15. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member




    And I'm not saying this is Kano's fault. It's OUR fault for starting on a CRAPPY platform.

    However, good customer service means that the customer is always right.

    MySpace is dying. And MySpace ZS WILL die before MySpace as a whole does.

    If Kano wants any of us to keep playing, it would be wise of them to do what they KNOW THEY CAN DO AND TRANSFER.....

    I'm giving it until JUNE before I delete my account and MySpace all together and say screw the money I paid into this game. If they can't figure it out then they ain't worth my money, time, or energy.

    And I ain't whining and the shit is true. If Kano gave a rats a$$ about these dying platforms that they have apps on, they might try to do something about it.

    This is NOT the first time I've brought it up, on here or via Email to support. I've said this over the last YEAR....several times.

    It's just getting to the point where MySpace (and apparently Hi5) are going to be taking a crap on themselves.

    Again, I ain't blaming Kano for MySpace being crap. I'm saying Kano needs to do something about our accounts on a dying platform before we all end up finding something else to do with out time, and our MONEY.
  16. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Thank you Pog :) How about addin me back to your squad on FB too lol ;)

    I can just imagine the fun we would have on
  17. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    I sent that in as a suggestion months ago. And I keep harassing them off and on about this. MySpace and Hi5 ZS will end up with almost no users, that's a fact and anyone who doesn't believe me....I'll bet you real world money that I'm right. It's already happening--1100 on Hi5 for world boss and 2000 for MySpace.....Facebook is at what? 16-20,000???

    Yeah that sounds like MySpace and Hi5 are real cash cows that they need to survive as a company....

    I've been telling them make a KANO-GAMES website where we can all come together either by the platforms we are on--or by having the accounts linked to FB like they did with when Zynga f*cked over MySpace users and transferred accounts.
  18. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    If Kano tried to merge players from one network to another, it would become a legal issue.

    Like Hash said, Kano have said they would do something to try and help the players on MS, if Myspace ever closed down. As of right now, it hasn't. So really this has more to do with the fact that some people chose the wrong network to play on, then Kano not doing their duty to their loyal paying customers.
  19. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    If Zynga can do it, Kano can do it. And hell, if there are contracts (which I bet there are) then wait til they are done and then don't renew and transfer our asses.

    The only people on Facebook that don't want it to happen are people that are scared of getting their a$$es kicked or that are just hella nit picky and all that.

    Hell, I've talked to quite a few FB players that LOVE THE IDEA OF MYSPACE MERGING.........

    The point of this thread was to being about AWARENESS of the issue. I didn't expect Kano to transfer us tomorrow. Jesus Christ.

    It's about rewarding loyal customers for what they have done...

    Kano is a business...and if they look at the numbers they know damn well Facebook has more users, will have more users, and that won't be stopping any time soon.

    Facebook is the cash cow. MySpace and Hi5 are like the clunker car that you fix so it gets by but FB is the brand new WRX STi......

    And dont' try to tell me we all get the SAME stuff......That's BS. Facebook has the "ask squad to punch" AND the mobile app. SO CUT THE CRAP I DON'T BUY IT AND NEVER DID. WE AREN'T STUPID AND I SEE THROUGH THAT CRAP THEY SAY EVERY TIME :)
  20. Maybe its because nobody cares about Hi5 and Myspace........ So what .. not our problem. We are just doing fine here on Facebook..

    If you want more for your game then start playing on Facebook and try your luck.. Other than that, nobody really cares.

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