There should be battle drop items

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by wtf a talking towel, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I really like the Idea of dropping a "Heavily Armed Scrooge McDuck". I would have to declan him, but I want one.
  2. Lady Jewels

    Lady Jewels Member

    I am so glad I am able to sign in to be so highly entertained. :D
  3. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Well, I have some new ideas for warriors and weapons. Have fun guessing them:

    Violent Stoner Viking
    55 Attack
    30 Defense

    Mining Football (Soccer) Hooligan (Lady Jewels might know that one)
    60 Attack
    55 Defense

    Moneybags McCat
    40 Attack
    55 Defense

    Viking Family
    55 Attack
    55 Defense

    Not so invincible Warrior
    45 Attack
    40 defense

    Smiling Warrior Goddess
    45 Attack
    45 Defense

    Rum Drinking Viking Captain
    35 Attack
    35 Defense

    Paladin (And no, a Paladin actually does damage, whatever the WoW players claim is wrong)
    40 Attack
    50 Defense

    Paladin's Wife
    35 Attack
    45 Defense

    Slaughtering Moneybags McCat Junior
    45 Attack
    45 Defense


    Futuristic T51b Power Armor
    45 Attack
    55 Defense

    110 Attack
    -80 Defense

    55 Attack
    55 Defense

    Kitty's Very Sharp Bloodstained Axe
    55 Attack
    45 Defense

    Bottle o' Rum
    70 Attack
    30 Defense

    Bloodstained Irish Armor
    55 Attack
    65 Defense

    Angelic Wings
    50 Attack
    75 Defense

    Witch's Broom
    65 Attack
    50 Defense


    Well, have fun guessing, some are quite obvious, others are quite hidden.

    And if you have further suggestions, please add them. Also, we would like to read suggestions about FB and hi5 Vikings, there must be rumours floating around, too.
  4. While of course Kanoeddiebotbeepaboop would have some tweaks with the stats let me see who these were intended for

  5. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    You got quite some, but we really need more input from the other Networks or new targets. And we need new drops! Towel, think of some! Steal BPG's Joint and get to work. Or Nick's Rum. But invent some new drops and convince Eddie to implement them.

    And while we're at it, we could also unite all networks, so I can slaughter even more Vikings.
  6. wheres my make belive drop
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011
  7. dont worry youll get one
  8. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    "Trollface Viking Helm"
    WICKED defense, with crappy attack


    EDIT: Sorry, but that's what I think ("UMAD?") every time I lose to a high level and that high level comes to pummel me...and lose because I have better defense.

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