[ZS] The Zombie Slayer Item Creation Contest 2014!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Bottleneck Semi
    Item type: Vehicle
    Item Description: Kill zombies a truck load at a time! lure them in the back of your rig then activate the hydraulics to crush the entire truck load with the push of a button! 20009191_truck_load___dump_truck_1.GIF
  2. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Flying Guillotine
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: Circular blade on a leash to throw or swing and decapitate any one within striking distance! fg1.jpg
  3. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Chakram Shield
    Item type: Gear
    Item Description: Regular shield in the middle deadly blades on the edge for added death dealing! Chakramshield.png
  4. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Zombie Chipper
    Item type: Vehicle
    Item Description: Industrial chipper Truck with hydraulic arm capable of picking up trees or zombies and forcing them into the walk in style front opening to be ground up in to tiny bits excellent for fertilizing the yard or making mulch! i imagine something like the pic but aggressively visible chipper blades.
    download (7).jpg
    Krimson King likes this.
  5. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Mobile Beheader
    Item type: Vehicle
    Item Description: Industrial Log handler with a band saw attachment on its arm capable of cutting down multiple zombies at one time.
    images (18).jpg
  6. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Long Range Hand Cannon
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: Right out of the Batman movie, If it can blast Batman out of the sky imagine what it can do to a zombies brain!
    Krimson King likes this.
  7. relu22

    relu22 New Member

    Cyberpunk Weapon
    vaporize zombie with one shot revolver gun.jpg
  8. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Halligan Bar
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: Wielded by fire and rescue workers everywhere, the Halligan Bar is the best door-smashing, get-me-the-heck-into/outta-here, zombie-fightin’ tool in the world!
    Krimson King likes this.
  9. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Chainsaw Bayonet AR15
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: Ummmmmm an AR15 equipped with a chainsaw bayonet what more do you need!

  10. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Double Double Barrel
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: One would say a double barrel just isn't enough, it's got the power to blast a zombies head into smithereens but with this new and improved gun, it might just be enough!
    Krimson King likes this.
  11. Krimson King

    Krimson King Active Member

    The Last Ride!!! tumblr_n0o5pyhlLk1qesrhco1_500.jpg
  12. Krimson King

    Krimson King Active Member

  13. Krimson King

    Krimson King Active Member

  14. Krimson King

    Krimson King Active Member

  15. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Jaws Of Death
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: The jaws of life are used to save lives but these bad boys put the dead down for the final count
  16. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Make It Rain Mortar
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: Mortar shell that separates in the air and rains hundreds of metal spikes down upon your prey! (for the picture I imagine a mortar launcher in the background launching a full shell and another already in the air separated with the metal spikes starting to separate)
    ) make it rain.jpg
    Krimson King likes this.
  17. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Pendulum Truck
    Item type: Vehicle
    Item Description: Snow plow equipped truck and on the back a tower rig that holds a weighted round blade capable of 360 degrees of decapitation! Power by the movement of the truck, strap on your seat belt and back right in to that horde of zombies to take them out!
    Pendulum Truck.jpg
  18. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Z.F.E.B. Inject Special
    Item type: Weapon
    Item Description: An all new take on Flesh Eating Bacteria the Z.F.E.B. inject special is a zombies worst nightmare a enhanced bacteria specialized to eat zombie flesh and spread to others that come in contact with the rapidly decaying zombie corpse. One shot can eliminate a hoard! head shots can kill and body shots can immobilize quickly.
  19. Jon Thomas

    Jon Thomas Member

    Maybe Kamikazeweasel needs his own threat lol
    kamikazeweasel likes this.
  20. kamikazeweasel

    kamikazeweasel Active Member

    Item Name: Defcon Z
    Item type: Vehicle
    Item Description: Missile truck for surface to zombie missile launching on the go. I imagine a tank like structure to handle terrain, zombies and missile launching capabilities with a rack for missiles in the double digits

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