[PC] TGIF...This week in Dev and Community August 19 to 23

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    TGIF! It's your weekly wrap-up of what went down in Dev and Community!

    Player Bans August 9 - August 15

    As a reminder, the following numbers are permanently frozen accounts, and don't count temporary freezes.

    FB: 22
    KPs2: 36

    The majority of permanently frozen accounts are frozen for being a shared or alternate account. This is something we actively investigate, and we appreciate players reporting suspicious accounts to us.

    If you have any questions or comments about a frozen account, please direct them through Support as the Forums are not the place to discuss account freezes, because of the sensitive account information involved.

    New Limited Items!

    A new week means new Limited Items! Go on, give them a look:


    Mobile Version Updates!

    We’re working on bringing the mobile version of our games up to par with the browser versions. Check out this thread here to see what we’ve done.

    New Weekend Calendar!

    There’s a new three-day Calendar and it started this morning at 10:00 am PDT. It will be running until August 26 at 10:00 am PDT so get to it!


    New Battle Drops!

    We released some new Battle Drops to the game this past week. These drops are for levels 8k+.

    august battle drops 2.jpg

    Support Report with your favorite burrowing, nocturnal mammal and Answerpreneur, Aardvark!!

    Happy Friday, players! Things have been a little quieter in Support this week, possibly a result September's hulking form looming on the horizon. Seriously kids, what have I told you about the dangers of "sunlight" and the "outdoors"? Tut tut.

    Well at least I'm getting caught up on some paperwork. And speaking of paperwork and documentation! Everyone please remember to update your passwords regularly and keep your login information private, because if your Facebook, Kano Play, or Kongregate account get's hijacked theres a heck of a lot of hoops to jump through to try and sort out the mess.

    This is especially important if you have made any purchases through your account. Facebook in particular will often store payment information to help make future purchases faster, so please be careful! If you have a Facebook account, you can learn more about profile safety and security here.


    Terrible Joke of the Week

    This week's joke will make you cluck with disapproval.

    What does a wicked chicken lay? Deviled eggs. ← Highlight for hilarity!

    That's it for TGIF this week, everybody! Thanks for reading, and have an excellent weekend!

    Play Now!

    Facebook Canvas: https://apps.facebook.com/pirateclan/?fb_source=appcenter&fb_appcenter=1
    Facebook Connect: http://www.kanoplay.com/pirateclan?game_server=server_1

    Kano Play Server 2: http://www.kanoplay.com/pirateclan?game_server=server_2
  2. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    wow that is the most bans i have seen in a while.
  3. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Indeed , Neil, hope that is not a typo lol that is encouraging for sure . :)
  4. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    Mmmmmm..... I like wicked chicken food! LOL

    Nice work on the bannings, as well! Thank you for keeping up with the cheaters!
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    What a rip off on the drops.

    What we have to hit like a million times to get 1 drop?

    Thats your answer to us high levels instead of opening newer locations and making more craftable items for us?

    This is nothing but a big rip off.

    What balance is there when you hold the higher levels back to the rank of a 7k+?

    Its not balanced at all.

    Once again Kano you've screwed over the top levels yet again.

    From glowfish boss and higher the drops are NOT craftable.

    But instead of this you add battle drops that take forever?

    Its like you want your top levels to quit.

    Is that what you want?

    Thats the impression Im getting.
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    sorry kano but i have to agree with tp on this one ... you are so right tp ...
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Okay with the risk of playing devil's advocate here. And please be respectful as i am going to be on this comment i am about to make.

    Why should kano constantly keep updating the games for the higher levelers. As levelers who move to fast are the one's who brought this upon yourself. Yes kano should have banned using leveling partners would of solved them a lot of issues in constantly having to update a new location and hear players cry foul every time they do because it's not up to par with there expectations. But let's be realistic here even the biggest gaming communities can't keep up with players who do this with accounts.

    We have one player last time i checked in facebook pc that is over level 20 thousand something now i believe. Should kano put out 33 new cities right now just to accomodate this player. Since every new location is 450 levels from the last one. So in leveler's theory this needs to happen. Sorry no gaming company even the once powerful Zynga would do this for their players. Just be greatful the developers are pushing out new material as fast and quick as they can with their games and different platforms. For a small gaming community many of you forget that their is only a handful of people working for them.

    Just my opinion. Like i said wasn't trying to bash high levels. But if you insist on doing this method this is what tends to happen in your games.
  8. ben

    ben Active Member

    this is been going on over 3 years now that they couldnt keep up with me...

    i dont use a level partner i level by bosseas ... that way i make most of the game i can...

    so yea they been behind for the longest time now...

    and you cant tell me they did not no this would happen in there games ... i no they new it would happen but yet we wait and wait and wait so on so on and so on we wait ...
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    "Keep building me up, then shooting me down
    Well I'm already down
    Just wait a minute
    Just sitting waiting
    Just wait a minute
    Just sitting waiting"

    Yeah they just cant or refuse to give the high levels the strength they should have.

    Some balance...
  10. ben

    ben Active Member

    let me show you where im coming from in pc...

    You be attacked by level 6k+ with a Battle Boost of 32%. You won the Battle gaining 500,000 coins and 368 XP. You dealt 9900 damage and took 8100 damage.

    that should not happen at all if kano was up to par to us higher levelers in the game ... so yea i no what in talking about hear... i hope kano really takes a real good look at this one...
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ok I also have an opinion on this situation, on Facebook , in PC, which I know TP and Ben are not referring to with their complaint, since they are referring to Myspace/kanoplay, We have many many Players at all levels , a very, very large percentage are nowhere near out of locations , just for example, there are a few higher levels who Have leveled either with bosses and or partners, and are rushing each and everyday as we speak with these methods, so yes soon enough they will be out of locations or drops that do them any good, or craftable items that will do them any good, So this should be a wake up call for those players, to stop rushing to get to the top to have less to do, battle lists, locations, bosses, just to be at the top, sorry but I just do not see the rush, and then to expect Kano to do something about those few, I gotta say HUH ? But I have also heard that on the platform TP and Ben play on there were not that many players to begin with and since the myspace fiasco, and the bans lately probably alot less everyday, , so my suggestion is come play on FB , you have the knowledge and try a different approach on a platform that is constantly adding new players every day, I cannot tell you the amount of clan and friend request I get everyday for all the games on FB, it is awesome, so just give it some thought.

    Also if you would not mind can you tell me approx how many players there are on that platform in PC. and of course anyone can use a boost, I also have players use boosts on me all the time to try and beat me. sometimes they can with the boost sometimes they can't.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2013
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    No Kano should be able to keep up.

    They dont keep up because instead of catching up there existing games they came out with another one which we dont even hear of anymore.

    Kano just wants to screw the top levels.

    Come in here Kano and dare tell me I'm wrong on this.

    Dare tell me Im wrong that your screwing the high levels.

    You screw over those that figure out the game cause you dont like how we figured out how to make the game work for us.

    Get over yourself Kano and catch up these games.
  13. ben

    ben Active Member

    then kano wounders why i have not put any more money in this game for 2 to 3 years now...

    as they say you get what you pay for ...
  14. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I can say I understand the complaint and can understand the frustration, but I cannot totally agree with Kano catching up, in games that yes some players figured out ways to get to the top real fast in ways Kano may not have considered and could not stop them. What about the fighting up there , high levels complain there is no one to fight, ya have to hope a lower level makes a mistake and attacks or whips or lists a higher level in order to retaliate, even at my level in PC on FB I have the same people to fight and lately there were players who were below me that now have leveled themselves to me and they continued on past me, so for a short few weeks I had them to fight. I watch them using their leveling partners everyday doing this, it is more and more prevalent, I watch my higher level friends and enemies doing it day after day, hour after hour also, so when they get too high , then they are gonna complain too?? They delcan each other and spend hours leveling with each other, and then the best part is they complain if someone attacks them, cause some have no clue how to fight out of their safe little cocoons. If they start complaining of nothing to do , for them I am gonna LOL.
  15. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Not sure how FB works.

    But on KpS2 any little level that hits us goes right down so we cant hit them or we end up killing them in 1 or 2 hits.

    Wanna try again?

    You tell us come to fb,well you know Im over there.

    So how about coming to KpS2 and just observe the top levels for about a week or 2.

    Fyi me and Ben are not level partners.

    We get our levels by bosses.

    Seriously make a account on server 2 and just observe for 2 weeks the activity of the top players in the game.

    And yes Kano would be lying if they claim they didnt know how fast some would level.
  16. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    It is true I have no idea what goes on over there and yes I know you have an account here, but I left myspace long ago before I ever played games. and I play enough, way too much here , 5 kano games and two other games , with my OCD no way am I gonna look over there , I will need to be medicated, I also am for the most part a boss leveler and as I got stronger I became a fighter , tired of being a target, but I do not level more than maybe 5 to 6 times a day on a good day when I have the time, prob less when I don't have the time, So I still got a ways to go and about 3 to 4 locations ahead of me here on FB in PC. But I do see what goes on here. But isn't this an never ending complain/problem/issue , is it ever gonna be enough for the few high high levels which are the minority ? At least here on FB, I wonder....
  17. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Oh yes ignore the minority that helped Kano the most.

    Shoot them right between the eyes.

    Its bad business practice by screwing the higher levels.

    The majority wouldnt even be here if the "minority" didnt help Kano by giving them $$$ to fund these games.

    The majority has the top players to thank for these games being around.

    Dont go calling Kanos money makers the minority.

    Kano is all about being fair.

    Well this aint fair at all.

    Either Kano cant keep up cause they pushed out too many games or they refuse to.

    No matter how you look at it this isnt fair at all to the upper levels that help Kano stay in business.

    Minority? Try again.
  18. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Allow me to show the levels of the top 15 on KPs2

















    Above the line is the levels with access to magma mountain(last location right now)

    Far as craftable items in blacksmith theres a very few that only the top 3 can craft.

    Locationwise Kano hindered us to about a 7k+.

    Crafting Kano hindered us to a level 8250.

    Kano has screwed every level above 8250 on both networks.
  19. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Well I hope this gets resolved in some fashion for you, and I am sure it will sometime , but I imagine not as fast as players in your level would like though. But again I say, maybe your issue is different where you play your main game, but here on FB PC the higher levels just about all of them have used leveling partners and rushed and are rushing to get to the top, for them I will have no sympathy of they should feel slighted in the future by Kano. Just look at their stats or the feeds and see them fighting with each other then clanning up then turning on each other becoming bitter enemies and rivals full of hate, all in the name of a game, lol . As an observer of it all, kinda sad for them . :p
  20. ben

    ben Active Member

    as you can see by my stats i dont use a level partner...

    Battles Won: 103,351 Battles Lost: 37,014

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