TGIF! Development News for June 28, 2019

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Jun 29, 2019.

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  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Happy Friday everyone!

    After a busy week, the Kano crew is gearing up for the Canada Day long weekend! As always we’ll be monitoring the games over the weekend to make sure everything is running smoothly, but as Monday is a holiday there will be a short delay in answering Support tickets.

    Now that we’ve got that bit of housekeeping out of the way, let’s go over what’s new this week in development news:

    New Crates Released!


    New Crates are now available. Make sure to pick up a Master Three-Pack for a *guaranteed* Legendary item!

    Summer Sale!


    Life's a beach! Heat up your summer by treating yourself to exclusive deals and item bundles!

    From now until June 30th at 9:00AM PST in Zombie Slayer, you'll get Specialty Limited Items with purchases of FP Packs! Take advantage of these HOT deals while you can!

    Log in to uncover your exclusive deals!

    Mob Wars: LCN Syndicate Quests Update

    Thanks again to all of our players who participated in the last round of Syndicate Quests! We talked a bit about it in last week’s TGIF, but we saw some great engagement around some of our changes, most notably the Hitlist Quest. We saw three times the amount of hits placed versus a normal day, so there was lots of activity!

    That’s not to say that we don’t already have a good list of feedback for our next iteration of Syndicate Quests. We’re going to take a look at lowering the amount of Jobs needed for the Hard Quest, tuning some of the item payouts in the reward Cases, and opening up Quest contribution viewing a bit instead of just showing it on a per-player basis. Look forward to more news about these changes and the next run of Syndicate Quests soon.

    Viking Clan Guild Quests On Now!

    Guild Quests are back in Viking Clan for another bout this weekend and this iteration includes some changes that we’ve rolled in from a test in Mob Wars: LCN including the popular Bounty Quest. To get a full list of changes and leave your feedback, visit this thread here!

    Pirate Clan Armada Quests Will Return!

    Quick note for all of our Pirates, Armada Quests will be coming back next week on Thursday July 4th at 9am Pacific. Rally your Armada members, or use this opportunity to recruit some other players and get ready!

    Mobile Updates

    Today we released an update for the fight screen on the mobile apps with more changes planned for release in the near future. Make sure you’re on version 2.33 in order to see these updates!


    Here’s what is new about the fight screen:
    • Using character avatars instead of full-body images where applicable.
    • Won/Lost indicated as slideouts beside avatars, removed from slideup response.
    • Loadout moved from bottom of page to beside avatars.
    • Tapping your own loadout will allow you to swap items.
    • Number of Squad/Mobsters/Clan moved from the bottom of the page to under the avatar.
    Frozen User Count


    Hitlist Suspended User Count


    Lame Joke of the Week

    What do sprinters eat before a race?

    Nothing, they fast!
    Sparrowhawk and GreenCityPatron like this.
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