Super Rewards Issue

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Dobby, Jul 26, 2019.

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  1. Dobby

    Dobby Administrator

    Hey everyone,

    This is a notice for anyone making purchases through Super Rewards. We've been informed by a couple players that their purchase through Super Rewards are not crediting them the favor points.

    We've reached out to SR support and they have informed us that there is an issue with their service communicating with our servers, hence a delay in getting your FP. Super Rewards has assured us that once this issue is fixed, all pending/stuck transactions will be sent to us at which time you will receive your FP.

    You can also contact their support team directly if you have questions/concerns about a purchase and they can help resolve it for you.

    Super Rewards is the payment handler for KanoPlay and Armor Games, if you play on other networks such as Facebook canvas, then you should not be affected by this.

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused in the meantime.
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Just a note that I have cleaned up some off-topic posts and closed the threads to further comments. Because this deals with matters of payment and we'd like to keep that as private as possible for the sake of the players, we'd be more than happy to answer and any all questions in Support as opposed to a public forum. Thanks!
    Mojca Maca likes this.
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