Squad invites

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by MOJO1916, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. MOJO1916

    MOJO1916 Member

    apologies but i seem to be all over the forum today...but bear with me

    I started day 1 and as you can imagine my squad hit 500 within 3 - 4 weeks

    so IT IS imposible for me to accept everyone..I have already gotten the pink slip from Facebook...and i dont want to get blocked ..

    So heres the real issue
    when i am on the hit list...my in box is flooded...

    seriously if you send me an add me in the middle of me been on the list and then annoyed cos i haven't replied..heres why

    I delete the in box..

    I need to be able to get messages from my squad...or to send them ..
    "gis a dig out "...
    and to go back in and try and find their messages.jumbled in between all the add me... in the middle of all the attacks
    lmao..even I am not that fast

    wait till i am off...I DO GET TO THE MESSAGES.

    I have heaps of requests from my squadd..and i make them my 1st prioity
    and then i go ..back to the add me.
    Thanks Thomasina
  2. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    uh...wut? o_O
  3. RuNnYoOzE

    RuNnYoOzE New Member

    she is the HIGH queen of zombie slayer and she has had multiple people asking her to "ADD" to squad she can't possible be able to add everyone and I believe she is maxed out at 500 squad members ( I could be wrong) and FACEBOOK itself will block a person if they add too many "friends" they have a policy ////////hope this helps\\\\\\\\\\\:p
  4. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I can only imagine what it's like, I have about 15 requests a day from people I've beaten up or from wherever else, not to mention the clan invites and I'm only in the 130's level wise!
  5. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    The benefits of playing on myspace where they don't give a flip about anything! weee!

  6. yeah at one point i added like 500 within 12hrs lol.myspace can add all you want without worrying bout being pink slipped.

    facebook needs to lighten up on that.
  7. fuggly

    fuggly New Member

    can't add victims

    i keep getting told i dont have any invites. can't invite, add people or sucker a victim into join'n my clan.

    and people have tried to join
  8. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    Actually, FaceBook needs to go back to its roots - college students only, university email address required to sign up, none of this stalker-type detail about people's personal lives, and no data mining or sale of personal information to third party companies. FaceBook was a really great place back then, where you were supposed to keep in touch with friends that went off to various colleges and socialize/connect with the people at your college. My first year of college, FaceBook was new and we were all using it to share notes and meet people in our classes. I ended up finding out that I had gone to middle school with nearly 10 people in my bio class. Now it's just a stricter, holier-than-thou version of MySpace. Every single piece of information on my FB is fake, except my name and photo. Bands are made up, movies are from the Top 100 worst movies ever list, and books are the whackiest named books I could find online (ie: The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories). FB is now a stalker's wet dream and I've had enough experience with those nutbags. And they sell all your information, which they now own outright because you put it on their site, to some pretty sketch companies that I don't want having my personal information - not even what books I'm reading. Soo... yeah, FB is kinda like the devil now. Good luck over there! :p
    [ / end rant ]
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  9. lol i play myspace not facebook(though i have one there to and i left it bland as possible)

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