Request Guild Help from your Boss page

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Smack, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    cmon now, this is the forum not xD
    Dutchman likes this.
  2. Dutchman

    Dutchman Member

    With making a sticky I meant only by officers, and only for bosses. I agree on your part about challenges/adventures, I do not want to cludder the feed, that would be a nightmare.
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Helper Max Damage % has been added to each post on the Guild Private Message Board.

    Sticky and other channels (challenges/adventures) are on hold for the time being but we will revisit this in the next couple of weeks.
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Throw adventure/challenge help idea in the dumpster, it's not needed and will be annoying.

    I'll use Pirate Clan as an example, was in a guild that did not have a chat, not sure why but didn't care rarely played it. But when I went to private message board for guild, there was bosses, points be done for the day, help me with guy/ slaps etc. Now if you add adventures and challenges and actually looked at everything when jump online after while you were say "IN BED, AT WORK, LIVING LIFE" You now would have how many pages of messages in there to scroll through? No Thanx throw this idea in the garbage.
  5. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I agree. Might seriously crowd the message feed unless you could hide what you have done (interesting!)
  6. Rag Na Rok

    Rag Na Rok New Member

    This feature is a pain and has effectively killed off our Guild's message board which used to be a quite lively and vibrant place, but now is full of boss help messages, all to save people just a little bit of time scrolling through the guild feed. I wish there was a way to opt in or out of it, either that or make a separate message board for other announcements and chat, think we may have a vote in the guild as to whether to keep using it or not. Adventure / challenge help messages done in a similar way - please no...
  7. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    I like the idea of Rag Na Rok for a separate message board for this. Our guild noticeboard is very lively with chat about VC and other personal topics too as people feel they want to. Now most of it is 'cluttered' with the help boss messages. I think the basic idea of the help messages if really good, but we are all suffering from clutter now. I think it is too easy to click the 'help' link for it to be posted on the noticeboard. Our noticeboard has now changed it's appearance somewhat so following threads of conversation is much more difficult. So can I encourage KANO to consider a second noticeboard or 'battle board' perhaps for guilds to use? I will post this in Ideas as well as here to see what peeps think of the idea.

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