[LCN] Protection Feature (Out of Date)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    why shouldit matter at all

    everyone cries for a protection against those who attack them a lot, big deal, if people attack me, i'll kill them no matter how long I gotta wait to get back at them, they come an kill me a hundred or so times, hitlists me every day several times but always stays under the 15 limit and gets other members in their crews to do the same thing, I've never used the protection except once, and didn't like the ideal of not being able to attack back either so I never use it again. I'll wait till I get their levels or like maizy said buy what I can to level up. and yes I attack those people back the same amount of times they attack me eventually. Christ tis is a war game, if they can not take what they dish out then they need to quit the game and go play farmland period. protection or not doesn't matter at all, you aim this at the low levels and its unfair to the higher levels also, becuz they have to sit there and allow lower levels to attack them. no limits on time period for protection, are you kidding me, that ever happens, i'll go to another war game and i suspect a lot more people would too if they could not get back some type of revenge against those who keep attacking them. I got one persona attacks me every day, they been warned not to attack me and I kill them everyday and they lose ever attack they do on me. you gave them protection from me going back at them, that's ok, i'll wait the three days or whatever time limit then i'll kill them again. for each attack they came at me for. you expect me to sit there and allow them to attack me on hitlists or straight attacks and do nothing about it. get real cuz I am gonna kill them every chance I can get .
  2. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    why should someone be able to stay in protection indefiantly, that will kill the game too. and I know at least thirty people who are low levels that will attack higher levels or hitlist them just to stay in the high ranks of the leadership boards. I do agree tho with the cheaters who use auto heal or auto bots should not be allowed to use them but just becuz someone is a fast clicker on the hitlists to stay on it for 45 minutes or so is nothing. personally the one and only time i rode the hitlists, my best time was 1 hour , ten minutes before a higher level killed me a lot and i quit clicking the heal button. and yes there are people out there that will click the button a thousand times just to get a protection, so they can go about attacking lower levels themselves without a syndicate leader or higher level member being able to stop their attacks.
  3. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    not too sure about that hammer, so up if the bully is up to your level how would that work, some people that have paid their dues been bully all thru their playing time to reach a high level, only fair if they should be able to return that to the ones who used to bully them while they were leveling. seems like to me, that protection would be good as you suggested and that if they want to use it, that it would cost them 10gf points also, that would stop bullying from lower levels and higher levels to appoint. unless they want to spend money to get gf points. and yes I have bullied some of the people who used to bully me also while I was leveling. and I have been bullied by even higher levels than me and I don't need to use any protection, becuz if I didn't want them to attack me or hitlist me, so I could get more targets, I would just stay in the hospital and play when they were not online, like I do now. and yes I do attack every one who attacks me a lot more than they attack me. lower or higher levels should know that if they mess with the bull then they get stuck by the horns also. lower levels should also know that if they attack higher levels then they are gonna get killed a lot for d doing so also. which brings up another point of someone I kill a lot. they attack me and they are a lot lower level then me, about a thousand levels lower than me, but yet they seem to think that they can attack everyone that is lower level then themselves in my syndicates and my allies without us doing something like keeping them in the hosipital for 24 hours. therefore they then become the bullies and then say we are bullying them becuz we kill them for each time they attack us. they should not be allowed to have a protection then.
  4. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    again blacklisting may be fine, but what happens if the lower level is the one who attacks the higher level, does the blacklist go both ways and would it be permanent, myself again, i would quit the game if I could not attack those who have attacked me in game. after all this is a fighting game and a business. if you blacklist everyone just becuz they attack someone who keeps coming back for more, than a lot more people would quit the game if they could not fight back
  5. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    I agree with almost everything you said, Joe, people should either toughen up or stay off someones feeds, if they dont like being attacked a lot then they should not attack that person period. personal I think the protection from anyone is a joke. there are a lot of people I dont attack and never have attacked me so they have no need for protection from me. I attack those who attack me and then I throw everything I can at them or I commit suicide and go to sleep . I use their hitlists on me to raise my bounty and to get more targets to attack. People who bounty hunt also know that if they take a bounty someone's gonna kill them alot also. If those bounty hunters keep coming back for more attacks then its not bullying them, its called stupidty on the part of the one who keeps coming back for more attacks on someone they normally cannot kill
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ugh! Eliminate this feature all together. Kano has already stated there is but a handful of players that have even qualified for it, eliminate the feature and deal with the very few through support. Lower the threshold...r u kidding me? Its already way to low and easily abused. As many have already said...Quit being lazy or a penny pincher and use the available ingame options like everyone else has had to do for years. If you dont like it to bad...Its the way its always been and to change it now would be completely unfair not to mention change the entire landscape of the game. If you dont like the way this game was set up and played for years than move on to a game that is more to your liking.
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I got protected against on pirate like 4x now(or was it 5)

    I gotta say its pretty funny since all it does is allow me to kill them over and over on the bounty and they cant retaliate.
  8. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    I agree with you polish, why should the new people have a unfair advantage over the people who have played for several years and paid a lot of money into the game also.
  9. bad3- tired of mob wars

    you guys have got to be kidding me you protected me from him and i didnt even have 1,000 attacks on him and he 5,266 attacks on me . you have got to be kidding me what a joke!
  10. Thank you for solving the non existent problem of people getting chained 1000 times who don't deserve it, Now can we get on with doing things that help everyone like doing something about the ludicrous around of clicking we have to do to gain a few levels each day or the pointless atk and def skill point allocation system and don't even get me started on the workshop every new feature added just makes the game more annoying to play the only good one was the battle arena but it seems that has now been tinkered with so much that only the top level have players have a chance of winning it. who really cares about a pointless protection that helps no one?
  11. Sammy Softees

    Sammy Softees New Member

    What a joke this is, i made a posting in here, that post is now been DELETED by either the administrator or a KANOPLAY employie. You cant handle much here, so much a joke, well that just tells me that you dont want the truth out in the open.

    No wonder people run screaming away, the only thing there is in here is bullies, so many, and they are allowed anything. But what can you or anybody expect from a greedy programmer.
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Your post was removed because it contained a link to another player's profile, which is against the Code of Conduct.

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