[VC] Please take away the Remove option from inventory with no upkeep.

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Jerome Griffin, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. I am growing concerned that someone may get into my account and delete all the drops I have accrued. Please do away with the delete options for these no upkeep items ASAP. I would have asked for this sooner but I just now started getting a bit worried with the Devs suddenly growing concerned with people maliciously selling our properties. If this was happening then I definitely do not want to lose my drops and God items. With all the server problems and stuff I am growing more and more concerned. Thanks
  2. I definetly agree with this particularly in regards to UN bought gear. There is absolutely no reason to ever remove a UN item, even if you've replaced it with something better. I'm always in fear that I'll get lagged or something and accidentally hit the "remove" button. Like when I pressed the "stamina refill" button and wound up spending 10 UN I didn't want to spend.

    Hopefully there's a confirm button like there is when you sell a regular item.

    I realize this is a VC centered post, but it applies to all the games.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    yep....considering Kano thought protecting our property was such a big deal....I would imagine this update will get done today....seeing how losing r inventory would do much more harm than losing r property. GREAT IDEA!
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2012
  4. Ahhhh, Polish, leave it to you to take Kano's concerns about our property, that we apparently are too stupid to manage, to the next level. I, too, am now greatly concerned that I may be hacked and lose all my no upkeep drops, rewards and purchased items. Now that you mention it, that has happened to a couple of friends and an enemy or two as well over in PC. So I whole-heartedly look forward to Kano protecting us from this very serious pitfall.

    Thank you, Polish, so much for bring up such a timely and urgent subject. Kano, please take care of this asap!
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Thanks JJ....but this idea was Jeromes. It may very well be the best idea ever when one considers the recent scourge of hackings. Its one thing to lose your income that could be fairly easily recouped with a couple days of the lottery (if your a paying customer anyways)....but could u imagine how long it would take to get all them drops and rewards back.....years if ever at all. HURRY KANO AND PUSH THIS THROUGH!
  6. My apologies, Jerome, thank YOU for starting this thread. Polish and I have discussed this in the past so I didn't make note of the author, I just assumed. Oooops! Guess what that makes me? lol
  7. Maler

    Maler Member

    i said it some time ago as well, but nothing happened. maybe this time, we'll get to see it happen.
  8. OK, My properties are still locked in and safe but my drops still look unsecure. I am bumping this one because it needs to be implemented ASAP.

    P.S. The ability to delete no upkeep items was not in the original game design. It was added because we wanted it to clean up our inventory way back before these nice boss drops and advent drops or blacksmith. Now there is no need to delete these items and removing the option will keep folks from being upset when they delete useless items that in the future become useful again through the blacksmith or other means. I do not want to be hacked and lose these drops and god items. I for sure don't want to accidentally delete my God items I gave 30 points for or worse yet, The items I sat up all night clicking the calendar every 20 minutes to get. Thanks
  9. Great idea Jerome!

    I would be very happy if this button could be removed in Zombie Slayer, too!!
  10. Bump. Please vote this up. Let's protect our drops before they are maliciously deleted. Or accidentally deleted. Do this on all the apps.
  11. Bump bump... If you are not going to push this idea through then at least default the drop numbers to 0 instead of 1 .

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