[PC] Pirate clan and cage matches

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Linda, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    this is my idea and my hope for getting rid of caging, and I feel the game would be better served. caging was added at a later date and was also adjusted to the many who complained when it was added to the game, for the exact reasons stated against it remaining in the game. so just do not vote for my idea, if you do not like it , thank you
  2. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    You can stop right there on your second "okay" in your first post. That is not okay. It is not okay that a player does not need to put points into his defense because he doesn't have too have a defense since the game takes care of it for him. It's also not really okay that a person doesn't need captains to play the game because he doesn't need any weapons other than his loadout. But if this is your argument then I'm afraid you are missing the point and continue too with each post. The fact that the cager does not need captains or a defense because they are exploiting the loophole in the game that allows them not to need these things is a problem that needs to be addressed. If you want to keep posting that it isn't a problem you can but that does not change the fact that it is. I win against cagers also, that isn't the point.

    I would think proper game play is not having the game provide a defense for you or for you to be able to play the game without having to acquire captains.

    I don't use counters. Only at opportune situations because they can be useful then. But someone under attack from a much stronger pirate would want to use them and would be pretty pissed off to find that the counters they are buying are being burned though with cagematching by the attacking player so as not to affect his won/loss stats.
    I go through them with attacks as well.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2012
  3. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    Good riddance to cage matching... in my opinion...
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Wow,not all cagers have a little defense and little captains.And everyone seems to be missing something.Get rid of cages means that a newer player can never get all the achievements as cage matches are achievements.And if those achievements are taken away,will the skill points that came with them also be taken?I'm sorry but the only reason i can see being against cagers is that you have low defense or just not enough.If you want to hold off a cager who is not breaking any rules,then break out the wallet and spend $$$ and level faster throwing everything to defense.It's laziness not to add to defense.Not being able to get captains can be for a few reasons.No one wants to add you is the main one.So why hinder the players that want to play but can't get anyone to add them?Cagers already have a disadvantage as it is.25 attacks with XP and 25 without any payouts.Next thing you know you'll want someone with the full 2000 clan not be able to use it all against a player with only 1000 even if they're in the same level bracket.
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Another thing,cagers might give little XP,but they are usually easy to kill.Just give 1 or 2 reg attacks,then CAGE,then reg attack 1 or 2 more times and that can land the kill.
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    gerardmccracken...You seem to be the only other supporter against this.You see the whole picture like me.
  7. Angels Kiss

    Angels Kiss Member

    I've rated this 10. Cage is so utterly boring, I never use it and those who do, never know when to stop :D
  8. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    Cagematchers have abused this for a long long time, but the limitations they now have make it much better. Should they be eliminated? for my part, YES, but for new players coming up?????? maybe. it is a way for a very small clan to fight back. I thought long ago that cages should only open if it is a mode of self defense (like counter attacks) but not sure if that is possible.......I will rate this Seven Stars.....
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Ok.Is anyone going to answer me?How about the fact that cage matches are achievements?If cages are taken away,will the achievements and skill points that came with them also be taken away?And if not,then a new player can never get all the achievements and will never have as many skill points as a current player.
  10. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    i dont like the cage match so dont really care if it is removed or not, but wat you new players dont realize voting for getting rid of the cage match is also voting to get rid of the extra counters you get because of it being in the game.

    originally the devs reduced the counters down as you went up in level this would take you down to the final ten,. players went on strike because the number of counters did then not any protection against it,, so the devs compromised and introduced the 75 counters as we have now,

    so you newer players that were not around wen this was happening will not realize why there are 75 counters,

    SO VOTING YES TO GET RID OF THE CAGE MATCH YOU ARE ACTUALLY VOTING YES TO GET RID OF THE EXTRA COUNTERS AS WELL. that the devs reintroduced , this will then reduced the number of counters you can place wen you are highers up

    as usual the player that thinks of a good idea , does not always look at wat will come with it no cagematch = no counters , WELL COUNTERS REDUCED TO TEN SO ON THIS OCATION NO VOTES EITHER WAY FOR ME
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    15 skill points total for caging achievements as far as I can see, this is something to vote on or vote against, so do your thing
  12. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    as a level 3225, which I am, this idea is hardly coming from a new player point of view
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    here is an idea so those precious achievements that give such a small amount of skill points to a player, when the achievements are reached, caging is not longer allowed, and once you hit a certain level say around 2500 , just throwing a number out there, ,now no longer a low level ,so not longer able to us the cage feature
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2012
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    And my cousin is level 3615 and enjoys cages.If he didn't get himself banned from the forum,he'd be making his argument against your idea.
    [SWM] Ice Cold Black Hearted Killer of the Sea
    Level 3615 Raj Pirate Warriors of the Sea - Recruiting
    Joined 988 days ago
    He's not coming from a new player point of view either.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  15. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    well ya know I offered a compromise and since it is not up to me or you, what ever happens or does not happen, i put it out there , ces't la vie, but you seemed very concerned about the cheesy achievement, so I gave another way to go . have a nice day i am going out to play :)
  16. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    The achievements can be kept and new players wouldn't be missing out on a whole hell of a lot. There are plenty of achievements now that weren't there when I was a minnow which was ages ago so it balances out. The game changes over time, can't stop that. And after reading some of these posts there seems to be confusion as to what a cager really is. I'm talking about the pure cager, who builds and dedicates his game to caging. Those are the ones gaming the system. Not the causal one who may resort to caging when their attack fails. Many of us older players know who these people are but you new players may not have had to deal with any of them or simply haven't run into them. Those are the ones who if they can beat you at caging they will be relentless. I've heard too many stories about them. And you can't hit them back because they give crap experience and your not going to waste your stamina on them. I don't know how the changes to cagematching done months back has effected their gameplay but the fact still stands that they are playing by a different set of rules then the conventional pirate. If the feature is to stay it needs to be overhauled. It has involved into something the devs never envisioned when it was first implemented.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  17. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    While I generally dislike Cagematches, Atheistic raises some valid points.

    I think it's better if they're left alone. Sure, cagematchers are annoying, but at least now there is a cap on them. It's a valid tactic and not everyone wants to add hundreds of people whose fb updates might be rather annoying.

    And getting 1000 active Pirate Clan Players on MySpace is a real pain.
  18. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    yes take it away plseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  19. meandyou

    meandyou Banned

    get rid of the cage match no problem but it also get rids of the benifits that comes with it , once it has gone then you be all crying you dont have enough counters to place you cry about cage matchers now and the next post will be we need more counters , the problem with players they want things only to change for thier aspect of the game and not for the magority if you have a cagematch problem getting beat by them then you have not taken thier actions into acount wen placing your skill piont , place your skill pionts in right place you dont have a problem
  20. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I do not need to use counters , not for a long long long,time, so I have not much need for them, if you must know :) so vote against it if it suits you ,that is what voting is for, IMO if players need to cage and counter maybe they need to look at their game plan and revise it their focus, it is never to late :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2012

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