old RB achievments

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SparJoZ, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. SparJoZ

    SparJoZ New Member

    do Raid bosses come back once in awhile? i unfortunately missed the first 2 RBs, but want to get the achievments...

    George Burd likes this.
  2. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Talking of old drops/achieves - is there anyway to get the battle drops I missed from the very 1st 2 tiers? Im a completionist and the fact I havent got them bothers me?! lol
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Raid bosses are run pretty often in all the games,way to often ,but I don't think theres is a set schedule yet,like the Arena's and wars .
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Raid Bosses will eventually come back allowing you to earn past achievements.

    @cricket_jumper You can get old Battle Drops in the Battle Arena or Armada Wars....or if you can entice a very low level to hit you. ;)

    @Kirsten Raid Bosses run (or will now) once a month per game. There was some overlap with the original bosses but we're in the schedule now.
    Kirsten likes this.
  5. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    thanks mi7ch - know any suicidal n00bs? If so - please send them my way, I want to clan up with them - I like the cut of their jib already! lol

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