% of HP to go into the hospital?

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Tizme, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. Tizme

    Tizme Member

    What %HP do you go into the hospital, and become non-attackable?
    It asks me if i want to heal at around half, but i am just wondering where the cut off is for hospital vs death.
  2. i believe its if you drop below 20% of your health you become unattackable
  3. Tizme

    Tizme Member

    Thank you very much,so 20 is the magic number. Now to raise my HP enough so that 20% of it is greater than what others within my lvl range can do in an attack. If i am not listed, i do not wanna be killed!
  4. Lyca

    Lyca Member

    You can still be hitlisted and killed even if you are in the hospital..
  5. yes 20% you cant be normal attacked.can be listed still no matter what unless dead.

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