[LCN] Developer Update 1/12/2012 - Facebook Temporary Friend Inviter

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Last night we switched over to a new Friend Inviter provided by Facebook as the old one we were using started to break on different browsers.

    We will be working on our own that should look very similar to the old version and provide a similar user interface, the current version still provides all the same filters as shown in the image below. We will see if there is anything we can do to make that clearer in-game while we work to get our own version out.

    If you have issues with the temporary solution please let us know as it will help us raise the priority on the development of a new friend inviter.

    lcn.invite.page.jpg lcn.inviter.jpg
  2. The filter for LCN players doesn't work for me on Chrome, Firefox or IE :(

    It just sits there thinking and thinking and thinking ....


    But the filter works OK on Zombie Slayer, Viking Clan and Pirate Clan
  3. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Just added a new button that should preload with friends already playing, those with a ton of friends seem to be having some issues with it. We have increased the priority of dev'ing our own version and hope to have something ready for early next week. Sorry for any inconvenience, the other one started to become buggy and was no longer being supported by Facebook.
  4. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Hmm, interesting. Can you try now clicking directly on the "Invite Friends Playing" option?
  5. Vinny JTTM Capone

    Vinny JTTM Capone New Member

    Yeah it still does not work - the "loader" keeps going but nothing actually populates. (Chrome Mac & IE 9 PC)
  6. Just tried the new button and it's still trying to load but no friends show up - just the little blue bars thinking :(

    I'll try it again shortly on a different computer when I get to work
  7. Tried it at work on 2 computers (one on Windows 7 and the other on Windows XP) and it still won't populate friends that are playing.

    Strangely, VC, ZS and PC friend filter work OK
  8. i420tom

    i420tom New Member

    it still won't populate friends that are playing lcn for me either!
  9. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    It would appear that the friends playing filter isn't working in Facebook's version. We are currently working on a our own version and hope to have something out next week. Sorry for any inconvenience, the old one just stopped working 2 nights ago so that is why we replaced with the current inviter.
  10. I'm sure we can all be patient and wait for the brand spanking new invite system next week :p
  11. leo

    leo New Member

    Friend requests

    Why do you use anything that Facebook provides? The purpose of this game is to invite friends. When anyone invites friends to the game, they are punished by the morons at FB for adding too many friends in one week or for adding people that we don't know. Why don't you start your own site similar to FB and that way you don't have to pay any royalties to these morons. they have banned me and warned me from sending out friend requests for trying to fill my games. How stupid are these morons.
  12. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    Mines been working fine but i have only used the button to filter people who play LCN but not in my mob and its generally only 2/3 people.

    Just incase its not been working i just been posting my join link on my status just to make sure my new friends see the option to join and its been dandy so far.

    I just wish you didn't have to actually have them in my friends list, its always been a major downside in all fb games that your personal FB has to be populated with 1,000 people i will never talk to in my life. It would be amazing if you could join each others mobs and still help each other out via the ingame feed instead of been actual friends.
  13. Susan K

    Susan K Member

  14. YAY - a working friends playing game inviter :D:D

    Thank you very much :D:D

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