Kano learn how to spell please

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Hashshashin, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    NOT ARIES. This is NOT the constellation in the stars.

    This is the THIRD time I've had to point out your short comings on the spelling of places in this game.

    Do you guys bother to do much RESEARCH or even GOOGLE the damn names???????

    Kinda sad you paid someone to do that work.
  2. i thought ARIES was a god
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Thanks for pointing this out, it will be fixed in the next few minutes.
  4. ARES is a god...

    Roman, I believe?
    The Greek being Athena, both being gods of WAR (or Godess, whichever Mythology takes your fancy)


    March 21 - April 19

    I thought these things were common knowledge.
  5. ah 1 letter off
  6. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Smack, I always point everything out (like the last 2 locations that were spelled wrong lol). I sent in an email too and sent someone a message in game on MySpace. lol...

    By the way, my friends/squad on MySpace are wondering when you guys are gonna hire me for all this stuff I point out and help with for free lol ;) and technically I pay to do it since I buy UN credit LOL

    and SMACK........sorry for comin off as a jerk. i know i do that a lot.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2011
  7. You should learn to spell.

    Wait, has that "already been suggested" ???????

  8. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Ares is the Greek God of War, Athena is the Greek Goddess of Warfare and Wisdom
    Their Roman counterparts would be Mars and Minerva.

    And Hash, maybe you should apply as proof-reader. lol

    I do understand you, though, I don't like to see spelling errors in my games, too. I take the stance of "Happens, doesn't do much harm, though."
  9. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    try having to keep crafting a bulletproff vest in mob wars at lvl900 and see how annoying it gets...
  10. Ace

    Ace Member

    I also dislike the Throwing starfish on Pirate Clan. Every single items starts with caps, yet that one doesn't lol

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