Januray 20th Developer Update - Power Attacks

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Loren, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    For all players level 500 and above:

    We just released the Power Attack feature for Battles and Cage Matches. Fill your Power Attack meter by battling against other Clan Leaders. Winning will fill your Power Attack Meter faster than losing.

    Once your meter is full perform a Power Attack to earn bonus EXP. As it stands, a Power Attack will cost you five stamina but the reward will outweigh the cost.

    If you experience any issues, or have questions on this feature please post to this thread.

    Battle On!
  2. ok lets test this out
  3. does power attack auto turn into a reg battle?i just did a power attack after caging someone and details show it as a reg match

    also it looks like when sending opponent to hospital it doesnt fill the bar any.
  4. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    No that definately was not intended to happen. We have posted a patch, it should repair this issue for any further Cage Match power attacks.
  5. thats fixed.

    but how about when injuring someone to hospital.the bar disappears when that happens
  6. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    Would you prefer that the Power Meter remains on the screen, even in a hospital state?
  7. it seems like it doesnt fill up any when injuring your opponent.
  8. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    We just posted a little aesthetics update, shifted the Power Attack button down so that it did not sit too close to the Attack button. It and there meter should now sit between your character names.

    The goal was to help eliminate the possibility of any accidental clicking.
  9. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I don't think I quite understand how the power attack is suppose to work. Is it not supposed to up the attack power along with the XP increase? i.e. like with the power attacks on the bosses? I don't see any increase in attack power when using it which is what I was hoping for when attacking against players that are stronger.. even though i lose the added attack power would be lovely :)

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