Is it me or you DEVs that doesn't understand the game?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Mike Ketil, May 29, 2011.

  1. if you hit a trap and dont heal you fall off

    if you hit a trap and heal you stay on list
  2. Mike Ketil

    Mike Ketil Member

    Never have before, always died when I hit the trap, and always list straight after, so must a new thing.
    It also counted how many times I was being hit, which was new. If it can do that, surely it can give you exp. as well.
  3. Eric Maximus

    Eric Maximus Member

    Mike I agree with you that at the current state the format does penalize the highest of the highest players; ie MIKE K on facebook and JILLIAN T. JOHANSON on myspace.

    I have only two suggestions:

    (1.) Open the battle list to a wider range of levels. Be it EVERYONE over 2000 or players half your level you can attack, etc etc.... this has been discussed before by many.
    (2.) Merge the Kano games with FB & MS (H5 too) so we can see the entire battle list- worldwide! If this is remotely possible (which it is) it has to be considered. I've mentioned this over 6 months ago and the dynamics of this... is incredible.

    And of course, I also agree with adding super higher bosses and adventures that drop epic weapon and warriors.

    Didn't see all the responses to Mike's thread.. but it's just my 2-cents.
    I'm still anxiously waiting on the "war" system.. this will definitely bring much more excitement to the game.
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  4. If we are going to eliminate XP ranges above level 2000 I'd be wary of opening up myspace and hi5 players to facebook players attacks since the facebook ppl have a distinct advantage. There is a larger player base over there and MUCH MUCH more active one at that, therefore more bosses, more fight opponents to get into the high levels so much higher levels are possible much faster on facebot than on myspace and even more so than on hi5. Also several players have accounts on 2 or more networks, if the platforms were merged they will either have to bend the rules and allow open alt accounts or these players would lose accts that they have put considerable time and possibly money into. I say keep the networks separate but expand the XP ranges (perhaps 2000-3000 then 3000-4000 and 4000 and above), drop protection for ppl in guilds and put in some minor "self-healing" NPCS

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