If KANO got rid of all the alternate accounts....

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by wtf a talking towel, May 4, 2011.

  1. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you do Eddie. :rolleyes:
  2. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Eddie? Or the cat?
  3. Red

    Red Member


    What´s up with the cats ? Is it any Myspace inside joke ?
  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member


    We have The Siamese Berserker of Odin also known as "The Cat".

    Someone started a rumour that I was an alt of Siamese, to mock the rumour I changed my Name to The Birman Berserker of Khorne and use a Birman as my Avatar picture on Myspace. Now I'm either "The rich Cat", "The good evil Cat" or "Moneybags McCat".

    We really need to convince Skyler to come to myspace. She can then join the Hell guild together with me and my apprentice, who also has a cat avatar.

    We're currently trying to find a way to prove that Eddie is The Cat. Because then Thrand will implode.
  5. Red

    Red Member


    Okeyyy xD...glad you´re all having fun with the game !
  6. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Conspiracy theories make the game much more fun. After all, you don't know who the real enemy is. Constant paranoia. Ask the the MS PCPD. :D

    If you're not having fun, you need to mess with some people's heads and create your own fun.
  7. Red

    Red Member


    I guess you´re right : p i should´ve played in myspace too , there´s so many stuff going on there :D
  8. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    I've been considering it. But I'd have to make a MySpace, first.
    And I ought to pull out my old cat avatar: "I will kill you. Kill you til you dy frum it."
    EDIT2: And I would need MAJOR help so I am not the weakling who ruins your Armada.

    Sanity is overrated.
    EDIT: A good friend of mine sometimes argues in favor of cannibalism as a population control method...just to piss people off. It's quite funny.
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  9. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Sure, come to myspace and join the fun and fray. We'd find a way to help you out either on Viking or Pirate Clan. Pirate Clan Armada XXX can use an experienced member and Viking Clan Guild Hell would have a spot for you for sure.

    Sanity is not statistical!
    I have a friend who will eat vegetarian as long as cannibalism is not legal. He'll start eating meat again when humans may be turned into dinner, too.
    And your friend sounds like someone one could have entertaining discussions with.
  10. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    I may take you up on that offer...as soon as I'm not so danged busy.

    That's my saner friend. She gets pissed at specific groups of people. Namely those with strong and uniformed ("stupid") political opinions or hypocrites on moral issues.
    No, you need to sit in on the discussions between the Aspie (means someone diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, which is a type of autism FYI), cerebral-palsic grade-skipper (read "frigging-genius"), and the I-don't-know-what-to-classify-her-as student. I think we win the award for largest conversational detour (or most detours) in 5 minutes. Much to the amusement of anyone within earshot.
  11. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I'm waiting for you. Give me a notification here, and I'll add you to my myspace and get a load of people to add you.

    I know what Asperger's is. Some doctors of mine believed I had it, till a test proved the contrary. I'm merely very intelligent, malevolent and lazy. A typical cat.

    Sanity, a fleeting memory of days gone by. Where was I?

    Detours during a conversation? Sure, such a thing is fun. Let's see where it ends. Though, with my friends it mostly ends with "Okay, where's the Vodka? And does anyone still know what we were talking about?"

    Getting annoyed at stupid people will bring me into an early grave. I'm a master at getting annoyed with stupid people.

  12. You're Covered on Myspace Skyler. I'll pass around your link as I'm sure a few others will to. And I'm sure a few of us higher levels will be more than happy to put you in our inner circle to pump up your income for you.

    Favor points.... you're on your own sonny, I can't afford as many as I'd like for me, let alone anyone else LOL

    I don't know how good this measures up against others, but those in my inner circle apparently make on average 40M a day off of me, and that's not counting the occassional bounty.

    Das keeps stealing all the bounties I try to get, such a greedy kitty :(
  13. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Well a thread dedicated to me I must reply...

    ... .. .. ...... .. ... :D
  14. Rest assured the money is going to good use against the vile menace of the tyndall.

    And Skyler, yes do come over to myspace, we need a member of the tyndall watch within his battle range to pound him down without the need for coin.

    @Eddie, sorry but just had to reveal the truth...now without your bots would you still have beaten the Professor?
  15. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Haha, what level is the tyndall?
  16. Level 1324 Warrior Viking

    Level 530 Buccaneer

    Level 762 Insomniac
  17. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Cheap Viking
    Cheaper Pirate
    Very Cheap Mobster

    But then again, any Viking costing under 1,2T is considered cheap by me. Like the Professor. And I'm working on being able to bounty anyone under 5T bounty at will.
  18. Eric Maximus

    Eric Maximus Member

    Me too (aka Eddie / Bot/ JJ/ Eric Kano/ That other Eric / That other Guy/ Not the Cat).

    Ron Paul might be a third player- that's to be debated.

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