[FB] How Much Effect Does Building ATT/DEF Have on Fight and Boss Damage (now)?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Rick B, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    Hi All! I have been reading threads on character building since I joined out little community about 6 weeks ago. Now most of the building threads are very old (Shanghai and Tokyo being the top cities in one I read) and these threads all said dumping anything into ATT/DEF was a waste of time. I have my NRG at 1K, my Stam at 500, my ATT and DEF at 500 and I am increasing my health to 5K. The health to 5K because all these older threadss refer to Health being the main damage driver in fighting and bossing. So, my question is has there been any change in the effect ATT/DEF have on fighting and bossing since to older guides were produced. Should one only add tot hose until they get the achievements and then stop, or do they have more effect now? Thanks for reading and am looking forward to your responses! Rick
  2. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    Health is more of a factor on boss damage
    Rick B likes this.
  3. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    But what about fighting - I'm not fight crazed like many of the influx of new players. But, since it IS part of the game and a certain amount is required each day . . .
  4. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    generally most players aim for health 10x level, attack and defence 2x level. Don't bother taking energy above 500 until you are at least level 1500, put everything else on stamina, most players look for stamina to be about 1/2x level
    Erik Bergstrom and Rick B like this.
  5. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    So, then I need to be putting everything into Health, Att, and Def - I'm cranked on Stam (500) cause I do a lot of bossing and my work schedule allows for a good recharge between my sessions (I'm currently level 460+).
  6. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    @Rick B - Just wanted you to know that the person giving you advice ( @Friendly Fire ), is one of the highest level players and VERY knowledgeable in regards to all games aspects! I was going to reply with my advice, but the right person is already helping you! I would now take notes and put them into practice - that is my best piece of advice! ;)
    Rick B likes this.
  7. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    Thanks for all your help and I'll see you guys around the forums! :D
  8. kari

    kari New Member

    Silence is a virtue, reading first is even better. (Wrong Game.. this is LCN. Wrong general topic.. this is general discussions. Wrong thread... this is about point allocation.)
    @ Friendly Fire and Easy. Thanks for the help!!! :D
    Rick B likes this.

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