Hit List issue?

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Raforta Stronghawk, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. I am finding more and more that my hit list is proving pointless - The example below is happening often - If a player attacks you it should open them up to a 24hr window of attack - so how comes when i go to retaliate the system tells me that the player is out of my range - but the player before him that attcked is a lower clan level which allowed me to attack back??????

    [DIE] YooperWithAnAttitude Sigm

    Level 996

    8 attacks in 23 seconds
    48 minutes ago

    Answers on a postcard plz lol......No seriously - if anyone has a response to this or even experiencing this - I would be grateful - thanks.
  2. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Well, if you killed the rival, then the window closes :(
  3. But thats just it....I didn't kill him - (and i was aware of that anyway)
  4. two kill one on bounty?

    ok i have put some one on bounty and on right top side of my game page show that player A killed player C and when i look at my History Feed and its showing that diferent player killed that bounty ?? so i see message that two persons killing one and claimed your Bounty ?? :eek:

    this is 2nd time happen in this week !!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2010
  5. I Have seen this double hit list kill numerous times...more than we should be seeing it. Personally it doesn't bug me in the least, but if it is a glitch in the game maybe it could be checked out.

    Merry Christmas everyone ;)
  6. ive run into multi times where 2 have claimed one bounty.it does happen.
  7. Merry Christmas u2 :)

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