hi5 players, hired adjustments

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Deltan, Mar 8, 2012.

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  1. Free kiss

    Free kiss New Member

    i'm with you Jackie...we spend money on fb, i did even on hi5 for a while
  2. necrosis

    necrosis New Member

    hey kano.....when will we get back our chiefs....can you just tell me that much....ty in advance.....
  3. Viliam

    Viliam New Member

    You are of course right, this is not work, it is a game. It is a certain kind of game where you want to progress, accumulate weapons, mobsters,... which gets harder if you are handicaped in any way. I agree, Hi5 screwed as all, KANO and the players, big time and perhaps KANO didn´t owe us anything, with which I don´t agree completely. If other developers really left their customers to dry, that just means they suck and are poor businessmen and KANO is only decent one out there. KANO did earn money from paying players regardless of platform (Hi5, FB or MySpace) and any self respecting business has to keep their customers happy. Most of us never argued that, and I personally am grateful for packages they offered. I never said a word when in one day my package was shorter 400 point. I also never said a word when hired guns restriction was imposed, because it didn´t really affect me as I never intended to max out hired guns from the start. But I didn´t really like the way it was done without any prior warning, but hey, it was done to keep things fair and I was ok with that. If further restrictions are needed I might be ok with that to, but you (KANO) should make a clear statement about it BEFORE you impose it, and not shoot first and ask questions later. Much of Hi5 players frustrations come out of lack of proper communication with us. Let me give you an example:

    Kendall wrote in this thread http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?6988-Kano-stop-taking-mobs-from-us : "Looks like there is a bug with the friend count of Mob for ex-hi5 players we will get that fixed shortly, but a further restriction as been added to the use of hired per level. Last amount obviously was not enough to get all players moving up and not camping at lower levels. "

    You, David, wrote: "If it's true that you cannot bring in the maximum hired squad you can have based on your level, that needs to be addressed. And fixed."

    What do those statements mean? Is there a bug with the friend count or not? If there is, it should be stated clearly: "We are aware there is a bug and will fix it." or "Our algorithm screwed up, we will fix it, we apologize for the inconvenience."

    There obviously is something wrong with the count, because I, at level 480 can bring only 950 mobsters (all "friends") to fight.
    If this still stands:
    "You can add as many friends as you want to your Mob but the total that will be brought into battles will be the number that you are allowed to based on your level regardless of the amount that you actual have as friends. If you would like to see the number of friends that you can have added for your level then go to the invite page in the Mob section and click on the Mobster tips button.

    The game maximum amount is 1000 friends as Mobsters and 1000 hired. 500 is the limit in the beginning, but after level 75 you can bring in 2 more per level until you reach the game maximum of 1000. For example, you are at a level where your limit is 548 but you have 700 people accepted ingame friends. When you level up next, you will be able to bring 550 into battles. It will just take from the pool of 700, but the remaining 150 will not be used."

    than (if I understand this correctly), I should be able to bring to fight cca 1300 (950 mobsters and 350 hired guns) mobsters.
    If there is a limitation of 2 mobsters per level, I should still be able to bring 960 (950 mobsters and 10 hired guns) to fight. This is a problem I am complaining about.
    For many of the players situation is even more ridiculous, for example 917 familia and 706 hired guns, but only able to use 774 in fight (don´t know which level).

    You should also take into account, that many of the players native language is not english and they sometimes have trouble understanding written explanation without any example. Please state clearly, if you are level so an so you can have this many of usable mobsters. This shouldn´t be hard to do unless you don´t know what are the actual limitations, in which case it was just wrong to impose it in the first place without the set guidelines.
    As far as the whining is concerned, this is a forum intended for debate and resolving issues that arise in the game and I believe we still have the right to voice our opinions and complain when we feel wronged. And if tables were turned and you (I don´t know you personally so I can´t judge, but I think for majority of the people it would apply) were on the receiving end of the restrictions or lost an account due to FB or MySpace shutting down you wouldn´t be happy either.
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Just to add FB bans anyone who adds friends to fast and to often , it has been that way for a long time, a way around is to get friends to suggest you rather than sending out friend requests, and when you do send friend requests send them out just a couple at a time and wait a few hours and so on, there are many add me groups on the world bosses and even in the forum here, I would have imagined that the players from HI5 who transferred over would have also had some of the same friends coming here, so before you go bashing FB ( which can be a pain) maybe you can just follow their rules , so you stay off their radar, they consider sending out alot of friend requests spamming
  5. Animal DeLuna

    Animal DeLuna New Member

    .MY FRIEND we spend just like other guys real money in this game(KANO GAMES)...not only days of work w,and mister david I will look for you on games
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    As you level up hired will be added back, basically we needed to add a change to prevent / give incentive to players to not camp at lower levels. As examples given, there were players that were camping at the lower levels with 1000's of battle kills.

    Because of the short timeline given by hi5 we had to take action quickly, if we had more time and could do it over again we would do it very differently.

    All we can do now, is continue to monitor the hi5 transfers moving forward, looking for issues like the one mentioned above and making adjustments as necessary, we have said this from day 1.

    I have asked this question several times without a response, because I am pretty sure there isn't any. The questions were if anyone knows of a developer that was on hi5 that did anything for the players let us know and/or any non-hi5 lower level players that are camping at the lower level with a large number of hireds we would be interested in seeing their link so please send into support.
  7. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    For many of the players situation is even more ridiculous, for example 917 familia and 706 hired guns, but only able to use 774 in fight (don´t know which level).

    That was my case, it was fixed, i now can use all my added mobsters.

    You should also take into account, that many of the players native language is not english and they sometimes have trouble understanding written explanation without any example. Please state clearly, if you are level so an so you can have this many of usable mobsters. This shouldn´t be hard to do unless you don´t know what are the actual limitations, in which case it was just wrong to impose it in the first place without the set guidelines.

    As for the language issue i warned Deltan from day 1 of the transfer plan that a Romanian moderator was needed. Of course he did not reply to my message.
  8. Animal DeLuna

    Animal DeLuna New Member

    who removed my post??
  9. Hello Deltan , Hello Kendal!

    This is my first post here on Kano forum. i play Mob Wars from almost 3 years now, I apreciate your work for having a nice game but I think what you did with the hi5 players right now is already to much.
    1. You removed all my 381 hireg guns once again, I got 100 hired with the FP gained here on facebook by leveling up, high rollers, bosses, so at least give me back those 100 hired
    2. Is not my fault that there are some facebook players that are playing Mob Wars from 3 years and they only have 100 mobs (this is the cause of high rate killings)
    3. Please aply the rules for all the players without discrimination ( at my level there is some players who are alowd to have 2000 mobs and I only have the right to have 1000 only because I came from hi5)
    4. The present situation is like we get nothing for transfering here even more!(I got 100 hired with the FP gained here on facebook by leveling up, high rollers, bosses, so at least give me back those 100 hired)

    Thanks Kano for understending and I hope you will remediate the situation!
  10. This is my first post here on Kano forum. i play Mob Wars from almost 3 years now, I apreciate your work for having a nice game but I think what you did with the hi5 players right now is already to much.
    1. You removed all my 381 hireg guns once again, I got 100 hired with the FP gained here on facebook by leveling up, high rollers, bosses, so at least give me back those 100 hired
    2. Is not my fault that there are some facebook players that are playing Mob Wars from 3 years and they only have 100 mobs (this is the cause of high rate killings)
    3. Please aply the rules for all the players without discrimination ( at my level there is some players who are alowd to have 2000 mobs and I only have the right to have 1000 only because I came from hi5)
    4. The present situation is like we get nothing for transfering here even more!(I got 100 hired with the FP gained here on facebook by leveling up, high rollers, bosses, so at least give me back those 100 hired)

    Thanks Kano for understending and I hope you will remediate the situation!
  11. Quickstriker Bow

    Quickstriker Bow New Member

    I just don't understand why are you creating 2 sets of diferent rules for players in the same game...
    Why are you keeping an eye on hi5 players and leaving the others to do as they please?

    I think it would be much better to aply the new rules to all players, and not to persecute hi5 players that stayed loyal to the game...

    As for the non hi5 players camping i saw a few as i level up, so don't tell me that only hi5 players are doing that...
    Of course i didn't write down their link to send it to you but there are out there players with lvl 300 with up to 1500 or 1800 moobs (or chieftains or captains). Now tell me with the restrictions you are giving to hi5 players how the hell are we supose to defend ourselfs against that?

    And another thing... The least you could do is to make public the rules.. Or is that thing you are doing a little "ilegal" to make it public? I would like to now the max moobs i can have at each level...
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2012
  12. Viliam

    Viliam New Member

    First of all, thank you for your participation in this thread. Did you perhaps read my post, I know it´s a quite long, but I hope you did. I would kindly ask you or anyone from KANO team to let us know what are the new rules. I´´ll go back to my case, currently level 484 , I have 966 added mobsters (+ 425 hired guns) and can only use friends (if we are allowed 2 mobsters per level, I should be able to use 966+2). Does that mean all my hired guns are frozen? If so, for how long? Which is the level when I´l be able to use them or part of them? Is it level 500 or 1000?
    I do have few more questions, in 30 days I reached level 484 (btw: 817 kills), would you say I´m camping? I played a lot this month, because I want to go as high as I can, as fast as I can. I´m playing without leveling partner, are you telling me that it´s obligatory to have one, if so can you please provide me one. ;) Imposing this restriction doesn´t give me incentive to "not camp", if anything it has made it even harder for me to level as I now can´t attack people who are around my level if they have a lot more mobsters, let alone go after people who are much higher level.
    Also my sister in sorrow, Alin, brings up a valid point, we should at least be able to use hired guns bought with points we earned by leveling. In my case that would be 480 (-100 I used to change character), so that gives 76 hired guns.
    I´m also wondering what is the actual number of campers, as I have trouble believing that most of Hi5 players would just camp around, if they do I´m really disappointed (well not really, as it´s not for me to dictate how someone should play their game), it can´t be that high to warrant such drastic restriction.
    I would also like to point out something else, on Hi5 I was level 2000 and had less than 100 fight kills as this is not my way of playing. But on MySpace there is really large number of people who have been there for 800+ days and are level 480 or less and they have really low number of mobsters. Why should we be penalized for their lack of involvement? There is also a shitload of players who haven´t actually been playing for over a year. I know that because I check stats of players with low number of mobsters as I don´t want to kill anyone who is still active and those don´t have any gamer points, feature was introduced roughly 500 days ago (at least 90% of my kills are "ghost" players).
    Don´t get me wrong, I don´t mind restrictions being imposed if they help to keep the game fair, but in this case I strongly believe we (I and many more) have been wronged.
  13. wlee

    wlee New Member

    hehehe i like this i reached level 1150 or so in 1 month to not have any problems with my HC and now you do it again lets make a deal tell me what level i have to be to use them all so i can reach that level by the way its not that hard to let all ex hi5 players know about the rules make every month for us correct me if im wrong but but there is a chat in the game not hard to do it
  14. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    I do have few more questions, in 30 days I reached level 484 (btw: 817 kills), would you say I´m camping? I played a lot this month, because I want to go as high as I can, as fast as I can. I´m playing without leveling partner, are you telling me that it´s obligatory to have one, if so can you please provide me one. ;)

    If you play on Facebook i'll fight you, i'm lvl 390 i think with around 920 mobs, dont know the exact number cause im not online on the game lol
  15. Viliam

    Viliam New Member

    Unfortunately I don´t, otherwise I would love to. ;)

    BTW: Here is a screenshot of a happy camper.
  16. Chris Mend

    Chris Mend New Member

    Even if we have 2000 captains, we will still be weaker than a lot of the bigger clans because we have no weapons and if we want to buy them from the inventory our bounty price will go DOWN. So it's not like we have become the strongest ones, it's not our fault there are clan with around 100 captains.
  17. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    Arent you in losche's syndicate? If you are tell him i said hi and i regret i didnt go on myspace with him and yourssnightmare lol
  18. Rossi

    Rossi New Member

    I totally agree with Viliam (and many others who posted before). We are accused by Mr. Deltan that we are camping with the reason of achieving battle kills and I quote "We are seeing situations where hi5 players are camping at their level and abusing their advantage over other players and racking up battle kills. while the majority have played through as we thought there are a few that seem content to just camp at the lower levels and rack up kills."
    Hello Mr. Deltan, are you asleep? How can you say that I'm camping??? I am lvl 286 Joined 32 days ago!!! That is definitely anything but camping!! It's 8.9 levels PER DAY! But this other players, let's pick one randomly: Little Dynomite Lvl 289 Insomniac Joined 812 days ago he's ok, isn't he? In hi5 in +800 days I achieved almost Lvl 2200, but this guy here (and many others like him) are not camping doing an average of 0.000x levels per day? Is this your objectiveness or the whole story was only a masked reason to hit the ex Hi5 players again? Why having 2 set of rules? One for the good guys and another one for the Hi5-ers? Are you really so limited in you vision that you cannot see you create even a bigger rupture in the game with all these dictatorial and unfair rules? You only made us feel unwanted here, like a second class citizens. :(
    I always kept a polite way in writing here in this forum but you never answered any of my questions until now, and I suspect that you just couldn't answer. It's all a very big BS with the facade of "we are the good guys here who want a fair environment". Fair my @$$ ! The logical next step will be of course taking back our limited items because, "hey, the other poor guys at your level never saw in their lives so many gathered together, we want to keep it fair!", and finally in the end you will ban us from the game because all other oppressive measures had no desired effect. You know what? It should suffice to just say " Rossi, I don't want you here!" and I promise I'll stop playing this game with no hard feelings! :)
    I don't expect you Mr. Deltan to come up here with an answer to my accusations, I really don't think you'll have proper explanations for the Kano's way of dealing with us, you'll just pretend you never read all these posts as you always did. Justice is just a simple word after all, only in books or movies will prevail.
  19. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Just an observation, but are most of the complaints by players from the LCN game?? seems like that to me, it must have been extremely popular with the HI5 players not seeing many complaints for PC, VC, or ZS unless I am missing something.again just something I notice
  20. Chris Mend

    Chris Mend New Member

    Because it is "easier" to move in PC and VC(less xp needed per level) so the lower you are the more affected you get. I am lvl 373 in LCN and I can't use any hired guns, but in pirates im already over lvl 1100 so I am able to use around 800 hired captains. And yeah mob wars was that most popular game in hi5.
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