Giantsbane Trials

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by confusionanddelay, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. kronik77

    kronik77 New Member

    found some time to think about what the giants bane requires

    1. Fjorgyn Battleaxe, Bane Skewer
    2. Bane Skewer, Rock Giant Club
    3. Bane Skewer,Rock giant hammer

    Nordic pendant 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    Torch 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    Northern Charm 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    Iwaz Rune 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    byggir ale 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    golden necklace 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    silver armband 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    dread necklace 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    odins mask 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    diamonds 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    silver ornament 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    sacred well 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    savages necklace 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    golden apple 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
    kite shield 1= Fail, 2=Fail, 3=Fail,
  2. Odinlake

    Odinlake Member

    yes, that's why I put them in the list of no-go's - so that you wouldn't have to repeat it again ;)
  3. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Ah. Therein lies the problem with online forums: you don't have body language or voice inflection. Thank you for clearing that up.

    kronik77, thanks for the trial results, but those CANNOT work: the World Boss drops are FAR too strong for the Giantsbane. Please read the thread before posting; it will save much time.
  4. kronik77

    kronik77 New Member

    what weapon unlocks at 600?
    im pretty sure its the surtr fire sword but im not sure lol
  5. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Got it!

    x1 Rock Giant Hammer has been Removed from your inventory.
    x1 Giant's Blade has been Removed from your inventory.
    x1 Blessed Oil has been Removed from your inventory.
    Crafting this item cost you 3,000,000,000 coins

    Attached Files:

  6. kronik77

    kronik77 New Member

    damn ur good ive tried so hard and never gotten a recipe
    thanks skyler
    saved me alot of time
    probably wasteful time becuz i wasnt even close lol
  7. Well done Skyler.

    I'm 500+ levels away from being able to work on the next unsolved hidden recipe. Good luck to any who get there before me.
  8. Eric Thunderbone

    Eric Thunderbone Active Member

    Good work everyone!
  9. Maler

    Maler Member

    excellent. now i have everything unlocked :X

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