Gave another 40 whacks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by baha, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. baha

    baha Member

    If someone attacks me and steps on a "bush" why is that I get penalized for the # of attacks?? THEY initiated it~! Ur only defense May be to bush up but IMO their "40" should reflect their aggression, not the person who had to Pay the bucks to keep em at bay~!In other words if they choose to blast thu the 40 bushes The one who paid to put em out there should still have 40 whacks to play with~! JUST AN OPINION for discussion :)
  2. domino

    domino Member

    have a limit of 75 ambushes and 50 body traps this is not too much if u have 100 enemies, i finish my bodytrap limit....

    "You are currently using 48 out of an available 75 ambushes and 44 out of an available 50 booby traps."
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2013

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