Fraction or Percentage? Thankfully not the whole.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Tizme, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Tizme

    Tizme Member

    So there seems to be a fraction (or a percentage, whatever) of people who do not seem to grasp the name of this new feature implemented into ZS. The groups of players are called Factions, quite similar imo to small scale clans or other types of gaming teams.
    Clicky for Wiki ;-)

    "In computer and video gaming, a squad / faction is a group of players that play online games together." - Edited slightly but i'm confdent the meaning of the sentence remains the same. CHECK! (As in tick, but go on.. Feel free to check it up. If i am wrong i will gladly raise the roof - Hold my hands up.)

    I apologise if this may seem cheeky, or whatever else, but i don't quite understand how people can be making this mistake..
    It's not like it is verbal, and they have misheard the word "faction" to include an "r". It is right there in front of them, in plain text.
    F A C T I O N .!.
    Did an "r" slip in there while i wasn't watching?
    ..Didn't think so.

    Okay i think i'm done. I don't want to go too far, i just had to point this out as it has been grinding on me like a pummel stone.
    Thankfully it has freed me from all that dead skin, but i am still surrounded by the undead!
  2. lol i was wondering the same thing bout the "R"
  3. Tizme

    Tizme Member

    At least the Pirates, and no doubt the Vikings too have got, or will get, a name for this group which is less likely to be misunderstood / misread.
    Unless ofcourse people start to think they are joining Amanda to cooperatively work towards their goals.

    I don't even play PC, but would anyone like to get inside my Amanda? lol.
  4. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    I'm glad you said it, it was annoying the hell outta me too!

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