February 16th Developer Update - Captain Alerts

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    A new feature has been released today that groups together both your pending Invites and Gifts into one location. The Captain Alerts icon can be found in the Alerts bar in the upper right of the screen which indicates how many NEW alerts you have to accept. [​IMG]

    Click the icon to bring up a modal which will present you with 3 tabs. 'All' will display all of your pending Invites and Gifts in one list that can be accepted one at a time.

    The 'Invites' and 'Gifts' tabs will only display requests of those nature and allow you to accept all pending Invites or Gifts with one click via these buttons.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Note: Invites can still be handled the classic way via the Captains -> Invite tab, and Gifts are always accessible via Captains -> Gifts.

    Please let us know what you think of this new feature, your feedback is appreciated.
  2. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    Maybe its just me but the way it reads is like they are already in your clan and want to add you to their inner circle. I think it should say so and so would like to clan with you . thank you

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