[VC] Don't Anger The Gods: Inactive Players Are Now Being Hit-Listed

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    It has affected war point related bounties by creating more of a fog of war out there. That though is also distracting in the sense that you are say slapping you slaps and the bounty board never slows down and you "lose" your slap going for the bounty. Prior to this feature, I would say fairly, 80 to 90 % of all bounties were war mode related.

    The feature itself is much more challenging in FB than in "DeadSpace". In DS, you can easily get all 3 or 4 of them. At least I can. In FB, no way. Or at least not very likely.

    Re the dead people that might get listed. I know of 5 people that have died while having active accounts. Names and VC names. In one case, the player's enemy backed right off him as he learned of his death, in respect. I will never declan that one and do check his feed, in a sense of caring for his grave. I will never declan the other 3 that were clan either, and unfortunately, a God Bounty cannot be repaid in kind. The Kano guild can be listed - a few of them, but that would not sufficiently express my own displeasure at seeing it. I would likely shut off my computer and say screw it for the night, with the "that's disgusting what they just did" in my mind.

    BTW this discussion has been had re death and your account, and some players do not want in their last wishes their account removed or disabled in any way. They loved in life being listed and would not want it any other way. I know one who has communicated that to Kano but do I know you keep such records ? :D To each his own or her own. But dare you do, you pay the price from others who feel their friends even in their character form, too, deserve peace and respect.
  2. This doesn't happen often but I agree with Polish. He's a'ight once in a while. LOL! KIDDING!! JUST KIDDING!! Oh, you people...

    I'd vote to leave it as it is.

    What I've noticed lately is that the game has gotten a renewed burst of life. Three things stand out. 1: Eliminating the ability to ride the list for hours on end has actually inspired, for lack of a better word, people to take a shot on someone that they normally wouldn't take a shot at on the hitlist. 2: Since eliminating bots has seemingly taken a higher priority, that the same half dozen/dozen names aren't collecting (either from me or on me). It's a wider array of people ranging in all different levels. 3: The Gods Bounties (whatever you want to call them) add just enough confusion that transferring gold is not nearly as easy as it once was and WPs aren't a given for those in guild wars.

    If the Gods fly someone who has passed away, it's not a sign of disrespect. I know of active players (not naming any names, you know who you are) who have flown people that have suffered some of the worst tragedies you can imagine (deaths of loved ones) and were just trying to use the game to escape for a while. No quarter was given. And there certainly wasn't any moral outrage over it. There shouldn't be any in this instance either. You can't say "it's just a game" when it benefits you to use that line and then try to change the parameters of the game so someone you may have known doesn't get flown as to not personally upset you. You have to pick a side and stay on it.

    I've been highly critical of Kano. I'm 95% sure my emails have made great reading around the office. That being said, this is the first time in a long time I feel like they actually did something to actually improve the game for everyone and not just a select few.

    Well done, Kano. Don't screw it up. You don't really want to get an email that starts "Dear Spineless Slack Jawed Mouth Breathers" do you? LOL!

    PS: I'm not sure how someone can lose a slap going for a bounty unless you're talking about a slap kill, Kel. My suggestion to you then is pick one or the other. You can't have it handed to you on a silver platter. BTW, your signature is still whiney. You should work on that. :)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2013
  3. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    I like it. Actually I applaud any effort made in an attempt to better the game. You are not gonna please everyone all the time. But, to me, you guys at Kano are trying. The game does need a shot in the arm. To many good people leaving. Jade does make a decent point. On the other hand it calls for a split second decision and I have not been able to do that in the game in while.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    The Blood Eagle ....."This doesn't happen often but I agree with Polish. He's a'ight once in a while. LOL! KIDDING!! JUST KIDDING!! Oh, you people..."

    THUD! the sound of my jaw hitting the floor. Good post...especially the opening line....lol;)
  5. i am happy that you put the gods into play i am not much of a bounty hunter more of a Lister and in face book god i got to play at 5 am to get lucky to catch one .LOL since you done this i been able to catch a few and get my achievement of 25 bounty kills. which be 4 i had 11 in 4 months in face book. it does get a bit confusing some times hitting accounts that were bountied by others then getting killed for attacking them by mistake trying for the ones the gods put up . but dying is a big part of my game as is killing so i am use to it ..glad you came up with something to help get achievements a lot easier. HB . but that protection thingy got to go one person been under protection 3 times in face book and 2 in kano play in a month period LOL
  6. saywhy

    saywhy New Member

    I am wondering what negative effect the Gods bounties have on the Battle list? Have the accounts who are being added to the Gods Bounties already been attacked and killed? Or are the accounts healed up and ready to be placed on the Battle list? The reason I am asking is because it seems like my Battle list has shrunk to the point of almost unplayable, seeing most of the bounties the Gods are placing are coming out of my battle tier. In the last 4 hours I have only been able to attack 5 single times...
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Have not played in 6+ months.
    Must be over level 300.
    If the hit-list has been empty for a short amount of time and the player meets both of these parameters, they will be listed.

    so unless you have been hitting inactives all this time, who are prob dead anyway I don't see this being a negative in the way you are asking, you are going to find as you go higher your battle list may get smaller, so Not knowing what level you are I think that may be the issue.
  8. I like the new God's Bounties because I believe it gives newbies a better chance to catch one while hunting. Nicely done Kano!
  9. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I just noticed one that was listed that was an "This account no longer available" in this case "Overbunnies worst nightmare". Obviously the Gods are quite powerful!
  10. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Extremely powerful. The power of resurrection to bounty someone and then send them right back to Hel until they are summoned again.
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    was this feature dialed back since it was cranked up a bit?
  12. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Nope. There is some variability inherent to how this was built but it has not been dialed back since the last change announcement.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Alrighty...ty for the reply

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