Bosses & XP

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by xSiz, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. xSiz

    xSiz New Member

    With the current game mechanics, players are able to gain more xp from low level bosses than from the highest ones. I would like to know the reason behind this choice. I mean, I would have done the opposite considering they become always more powerful.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  2. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    if you get your health and attack high enough above the higher bossesyou get better xp,
  3. MorbidMario

    MorbidMario Member

    As George said the higher your health the more xp you get from any boss.
    Kirsten likes this.
  4. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Does anyone actually know what the % chance of a drop from any given boss is and if that % changes at all based upon how you attack a boss? I mean does a 5 stam attack give a better chance of a drop against a 20 stam attack? Or again, is the total number of drops you can get from a boss pre-decided before at the start of a boss, so how you attack that boss makes no difference???
    George Burd likes this.
  5. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    i don't know for sure, but i think the drop rate is a little better for 20 stam attacks than it is for 5 stam ones

    JARVIN Active Member

    it seems to work out this way for me as well
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Random Boss Drops are a % on hit, so if you do more attacks in one go (a 20 Stam attack over a 5 Stam one) then you have a greater chance of getting a drop. The % chance on hit varies between Bosses as well.
    Kirsten and George Burd like this.
  8. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Thanks Mi7ch - so its not predetermined how many you are able to drop from any one boss then? Would it be possible to share the % chances of a drop for a 20 stam attack against a 5 stam attack? Ive been been trying to work it out myself, by doing a measure number of attacks each way and I cant seem to get repeatable results! lol
  9. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    the problem cj is you need a immense number to see the percentage correctly if you did 200 20 stamina attacks you might only see a 30% drop rate but if you did 2000 20 stamina attacks you would see it is closer to 45% correct me if I am wrong Mi7ch please
  10. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    There must be a number in the coding somewhere. I know the agreed wisdom is that 5 stam does yield more drops, but I just wondered if there was any actual numbers to back that up
    Kirsten likes this.
  11. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's what mi7ch posted, and Kano probably won't give more detailed information that what is already here. You get more drops from 20 stam attacks, not 5 stam ones. At least, that's been my experience.
  12. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    The logic behind the 5 stam attack is you do less damage to the boss, so therefore you do more attacks and simply by doing more attacks youve increased you % chance per attack... or something like that. I knew I should have paid more attention to maths in school. This is one of those real life situations they were always banging on about !lol
    George Burd likes this.
  13. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    As I see it there is a specified random % chance of a drop, with a number of variable, not least of all your level compared to the boss you are attacking and possible the amount of health you have, I have received better individual drops from a single 1 or 5 stam hit, than I have seen relatively for a single 20 stam hit, but overall it would seem to be the same %.

    As you can get say 1 items from a 1 stam hit, but are very unlike to get 20 items from a 20 stam hit or 20 items in a row from 20 1 stam hits.

    I would say whether you do 4 x 5 stam hits or 1 x 20 stam hits, statistically the outcome would be the same, however it is not easy to check as a player, because of the number of actions required to get sufficient data to make an accurate statistical analysis, as other variables change as you progress and the limited number of same bosses at the same level.

    It would be like having a machine that could randomly flip 1 , 5 or 20 coins in one go. if it was set to flip 1 coin it would have a 50% chance of heads or tail, so doing 1 coin 20 times ( repeatedly ) it would average approximately 50% heads 50% tails, the same would be the case if it flipped 5 coins at a time 4 times ( repeatedly ) or all 20 in one go ( repeatedly ). Noting in each case it would be possible to get 20 head or 20 tails for a group of 20 coin flips, but very unlikely.

    Hope this helps :)

    PS I have never looked at the difference in average damage done from 4 x 5stam hit compared to 1 x 20 stam hit. So do not know if there is a statistical difference.
    Say you do average 100k damage with 1 x 5 stam hits and do say 600k average damage for a single 20 stam hit then you would get more hits in using 5 stam and therefore could get more drops by doing 5 stam hit, if you are only looking to get more drops from that boss, as long as drops are related to number of atts and not damage done.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
    cricket_jumper likes this.
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I only do 5 stam attacks and I get drops.
  15. greatM

    greatM Active Member

    Hi cricket_jumper,
    As boss drops are a % on hit, then on average the number of drops per stam would work out the same, assuming the average amount of damage done using 4 x 5 stam is the same for 1 x 20 stam hit.

    So assuming average damage is the same for the same boss with all other relevant player perimeters the same, and "% on hit" is damage done, then if would make no statistical difference:-

    If you averaged 125k damage for a 5 stam hit you would do 500k damage on average using 20 stam.
    for a 20 stam hit you would also do 500k damage on average.

    if the drop rate was 1 item per 10 stam ( = x amount of damage )then;
    with a 1x 20 stam hit you would average 2 items;
    with 4 x 5 stam hit you would average 1 item every other attack. So using 4 x 5 stam you would still average 2 items. but only get a drop 1 time in ever 2 atts on average.

    The data required to statistically confirm if there is any difference for a given boss at a given level for both the boss and the player, with all other possible variable that may affect the outcome would likely be impossible to accurately evaluate by a player.

    To truly answers the question you would need to know all relevant parameters for the boss at its level and the relevant player parameters. or know if there was any code that could specifically affect the Average Drop Rate from attacks using 5 stam at a time compared to 20 stam at a time.

    I would guess statistically just comparing 5 stam attacks to 20 stam attacks, for the same player attacking the same boss, would average the same amount of drops for a given amount of stam used for doing 50% damage using both 5 and 20 stam hits randomly to completing a single boss.

    However one player could see sagnificanlty more drops using 5 stam hits each time, while another player could see significantly more drops from using 20 stam hits. And the same player could see both at different times.
    George Burd likes this.
  16. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    for me I get drops almost every hit using 20 stamina hits if I am over 225k damage, if I drop to 5 stamina hits I average a drop every 5-6 hits, I do not want banned or carpal tunnel so I wont even attempt a lvl 60 make make with 1 stamina hits lol
  17. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Thanks for taking time to look at this for me... so short version... which is best?! hahaha!!
  18. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    5's for minimum is way to go unless demolish bosses..
  19. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    Yeah - thats what Ive settled on to be honest. Ive got good drop numbers, so it does seem to work, I just wondered if there was more to it than my gut feeling it was working out OK.
  20. cricket_jumper

    cricket_jumper Well-Known Member

    So the next question is - whats the maximum multiple you can drop from an attack? Ive seen 3 of the same thing dropped in 1 attack and very occasionally all 3 of the available drops in 1 attack?

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