Boss Rewards

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eddie, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Has anybody got any "favor" points for defeating a boss? Also, why is it called favor points and not GD points???
  2. Michelrpg

    Michelrpg Member

    I asked the same question someplace as well. I havent gotten a point like that, and I'm even doubting that I ever did. I've defeated the bosses a total of 13-14 times now (total). Nice exp and fun item drops, but no points. Which is basically the reason I fight them to begin with, since those points are fairly annoying to gain.
  3. not on this app but on PC yes i have gotten favor points a few times.its just completely random i guess.
  4. Salvatore Giancana

    Salvatore Giancana New Member

    I haven't gotten any but some in my mob have.
  5. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Hmm could this be because they are still in BETA stage? :O
  6. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    I have gotten 1 favor point so far that I have noticed so far. A guy I know got two yesterday. I think because its a random drop, it might be 1/10 thing on a boss battle collection. The god points are scarce for sure but they do drop.
  7. Forums » Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra » General Discussions/>boss fights

    from Kendall Super Moderator:
    i got this info from mob wars forum >> im sure will be the same on Vikings
    so that's good news Clan :)
  8. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Thanks Para
  9. Michelrpg

    Michelrpg Member

    I got a favor point the first time I killed the lobster. Aps Kel got a favor point as reward for killing my mountain giant. So yeah, they do drop.

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