Boss kill credit

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Zombiefried, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Zombiefried

    Zombiefried Member

    Why is it only the boss owner can receive credit for killing their boss. If I kill another players boss I receive no credit. I think anyone who kills a boss should get the credit for it. I believe this would have a positive influence on the game as players became more competitive on bosses. I know I would like to get credit for the many bosses, belonging to others, I have killed.
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    If you killed my boss you would get a kick in the butt from me :p,But what kind of bosses are you talking about, reg bosses, or Raid bosses. What kind of credit are you talking about.
  3. Zombiefried

    Zombiefried Member

    I am referring to theAdventure area bosses. Not sure why you would be upset. Is there some sort of "boss etiquette" I don't know. Or, wouldn't you set the damage so you get the last hits in? On Armor Pirates fifty percent of the bosses, give or take, can be killed by other than the boss owner due to high limits per attacking player. I also think if you kill a raid boss or world boss they should count as credits for your achievements as well.
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I am not upset, I was joking around, and then actually asked you what you were asking for. I play on Fb and there is sort of a boss etiquette,but our bosses are not all public, ,mine usually never are even posted,in the feed,they are all clan invites or boss group shares usually, we let the owner kill their boss. As far as I can tell it is just a courtesy, and the owner of the boss should get credit, if there were credit, to be given IMO, I know alot use the job board, I don't for VC or PC I may for ZS cause that is not the game I care about.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
  5. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Why should you get an achievement for killing a raid boss? Anyone can do that. Or a regular boss? I never killed a world boss so I don't know if there is one for doing that though I doubt it.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  6. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    this make no sense- you talking about credits for killing your own boss say 5 times etc. im not getting this thread at all....... As I see you get skill points for first raid killed. You get skill for killing your own so many times that is you own if your talking about doing others and they count for that then the achievement would not be for your it would be for all. World boss you get skill points for that too when you do so many... So i am not getting this
  7. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I believe what he's talking about, is strictly related to boss kills to get top spot on the leader board, using other peoples bosses to bump up his kill count. But, I could be wrong though, LOL :confused:
    The Navigator likes this.
  8. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    If you participate in attacks on a regular boss, that does count in your overall Bosses Helped which is a placement on the Leaderboard. You shouldn't get anything out of the normal items rewarded for killing off someones boss because you are a helper, not the owner. Why should anyone who kills someones boss be awarded the same items as a boss owner? You don't have to even kill your own boss to get your boss owner reward, so I'm thinking you are asking for something that isn't part of the idea here of boss owner versus boss helper.
    As far as the World bosses go, I may have killed two of them, but to my knowledge nothing pops up differently telling you that you are the one who killed that particular World boss. There isn't a boss owner there either.
    Raid bosses - same thing as a regular boss. You aren't the owner, you are a helper.
    I'm not sure what kind of credits you want but again - you are still a helper on someones boss.
    The Navigator likes this.
  9. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    wait a minute. if you kill someone else's boss, that doesn't count towards your boss kill stat? i only do this when someone else's is about to expire, but that stinks if it doesn't count towards that stat.
  10. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    No it doesn't. Only your own bosses count towards your boss kill stats. So in effect, killing someone elses boss doesn't do anything for you as far as stats go. Your help on the boss, even if you don't do the minimum damage to get a reward, still counts as help.
    The Navigator likes this.
  11. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    I understand what he is saying, a lot of people have max damage on their bosses set and just send them out to all feeds so people will kill them then they get the stat for bosses killed even tho they may have only spent 2 stamina on it
    The Navigator likes this.
  12. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    so the boss kill stats aren't very accurate, are they? i never even thought about it before because i'm more concerned with my battling stats. i wonder if there are any other stats that may not be accurate?
  13. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    The stats aren't inaccurate. You have killed off so many of your own bosses, whether you are the one who actually dealt the fatal blow or not. The Boss Helped stats are too. All someone has to do it click attack once. I know of someone that will rarely ever do anything other than tap a boss to basically help open the next weapon for people on the boss - I guess this is their thinking on it. Help is help I suppose.
  14. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    Think of the mayhem that could ensue, pirates sniping for the kill on bosses to get the kill credit, hahaha! ~so much piratey-ness! I do think a special atta-boy prize for the killer shot on the World boss would be cool, as that is such a rarity to "be the one" getting in that shot. I‘ve done it once in 6 Yrs of playing.
    Mabest and George Burd like this.
  15. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    to much confusion in Zombiefried post, is hard for me to understand what he want
  16. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    let me see if i get this straight. if i start a boss, no matter who kills it, i get the credit. if i kill someone else's boss, i don't get the credit, but the boss owner does. does that make sense to anyone else? i never really paid attention to this before.
  17. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    What credit is there to even wonder about ?? when ya help on a boss ya get the number added to bosses HELPED, when ya own boss gets killed that gets added to boss kills.
    Mabest and Chasity like this.
  18. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    What kind of a credit do you want? Do you want the owner's loot reward or the stat in the boss kill section? The boss kill section is only for the owner. Your stats come into play with bosses helped.
    If people were to get credit in the boss kill section, this would lead to many killing off other people's bosses just to up their stat. I can also see where it would be abused by some who don't care about certain stats and simply giving the kill away to a buddy to help them with their stats.
    Again - Boss Owner gets the Bosses Killed stat. Helpers get the Bosses Helped stat. If it worked differently and the owners never killed off their own bosses, but others did simply because of how the sliders were set, how would the boss owner know exactly how many of their own bosses they have utilized/killed off?
    Kirsten likes this.
  19. Zombiefried

    Zombiefried Member

    This turned into a better thread than I thought it would. It was simply an idea that if you kill a boss, no matter who it belongs to, you should get credit for killing it. I'm not talking about FP, coins, or anything else (maybe for a rare kill shot on a World boss). Or rename the category as bosses started. I am not upset at the comments, I wanted to insure I wasn't violating some unwritten rule on boss etiquette I knew nothing of.
  20. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    Yes. Was interesting to find out people don't understand how stats on some things work. I do think the World Boss needs some kind of death blow type of screen to show if you killed it or even who got the kill on it. I am always wondering who managed to kill one when it is getting down to the last bit of health. I think that would be nice. Wouldn't be hard to code either if the Dev's desire to add this.
    There is/was a bit of etiquette back when there were no sliders on bosses. Many asked that people just do the minimum on their bosses and some even asked to get the kill shot on their boss. Basically finishing what they started. :) The sliders coming into the game really helped out a lot to stop the people who just didn't care how they hit a boss. Their motto was, If it goes public, that means the owner doesn't want any more of it and doesn't care how much you hit. lol But I can tell you for a fact, back when the Eel and the Cursed Pirate were the top bosses, many people got declanned for hitting a boss too hard. If a boss has the ability to have a bunch of damage done on it past the minimum required for a reward, I still prefer to not kill the boss off. But that's just me.
    George Burd and Chasity like this.

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