Attack vs Power Attack (Boss Battles)

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by samowen, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. samowen

    samowen New Member

    Which is more likely to get you boss loot drops? I've experimented with both and it seems totally random.
  2. Jai Puttick

    Jai Puttick New Member

    Boss drops depend on how much total damage you have done to the boss, and not total attacks.
  3. did you mean drops that drop when you hit the boss or drops that drop after the boss is dead.assuming what you meant ill answer both

    for drops that drop while hitting the boss,regular attack tends to give you more of these.

    for drops that drop after the boss is dead,if there's a minimal damage and you reach it,you always get those.any other drops that might drop after boss is dead is totally random as they come.

    power attack will deal more damage and give you more exp only.
  4. Darkcronix

    Darkcronix New Member


    Well, normal attacks increase your number of attacks (which is needed) while a power attack will do more damage to the boss (which is also needed)... I really don't care about the minor drops, just the drops for killing the boss :D I hope I helped mate
  5. self

    self Member

    You should be very concerned about the minor drop of higher level bosses. ... Think about it.
  6. berneymc

    berneymc New Member

    I like the Misc drops

    I get more stuff from the misc drops that happen before the Boss is dead. The weapons are more powerful than I can acquire. On the lower level bosses the drops are so low in numbers that they dont matter, what you need to do it watch your feed for a higher level boss that someone is asking for help with, then attack them like crazy and see the cool droops you get.

    If you can purchase things that have Att-40- Def-45 then you may get drops for like Att-45 Def-50.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Until recently there was a distinct advantage for the "random drops" if u used a single attack. But the developers have recently corrected the issue by bringing the "power attack" "random drop" ratio more in line with the "single attack" drop ratio.

    so if you were fortunate enough to have known about the ratio b4 the fix..... and were using single attacks b4 the change, you would have had a distinct advantage. Kudos to Kano for fixing the issue!
  8. Dolly

    Dolly New Member

    good reply, John.

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