revised conditions for fight list

Discussion in 'Implemented Ideas' started by slave, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. slave

    slave Member

    I know you said you would look into revised conditions for hitlisting, perhaps it is also time to look into revised conditions for fight list as well.

    Currently you have a 10 percent window up or down for who is listed on your fight list.
    Thats great when your a level 1000, you get lists from 900-1100 which is a significant list.
    Its not so great as you get bigger, because the number of people in your area code drops right off the edge of the world (the world is flat yes?)
    so maybe revise it at level 2000 it is a 15 percent window, level 3000 is a 20 percent window, level 4000 is a 25 percent window and level 5000 is a 30 percent window. Why so drastic? come on you have a player at the top of the list that doesnt even get undead right is that?

    kano all we ask is you keep up with the players, so far you have done a poor job of that
    highest achievement is level 3500 for levels - you have a player that is almost 2000 levels above that
    Your highest achievement for money vaulted is 10 trillion, i see people approaching half a quadrillion...
    gp achievement is 5.8 million gamer pts, i have three times that, im not even on the first page of all time leaders....
    boss achievements cap at level 10 - do i really need to go here? ok i will, i have numerous bosses over level 300, and level 10 is the highest achievment, come on!
    500 billion from my squad....if i dont get over a 100 billion a day from my top squad its a slow day....
    hitlist 250 squad leaders....omg a rookie achievement that can be completed in one day, thats right one day....
    arena....god i dont want to go there....when you trip all arena acheivements on first day, there is nothing to shoot for, why cant you see we want to try to get things?

    we want motivation to move forward, not stagnation

    i dont know how many times ive said this and its bearing out, your top people are leaving the game, do you see that? do you understand that? do you care? if you do care, do something about it
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

  3. So what

    So what Member


    got a letter from the developer in the early days
    was told

    price of been no 1

    however they like indeed loved our cash .....but cant seem to realise ..ALL players need to be accomodated
    not throttled or stunted ....just because they level
    your not even allowed to decide how you entre arena flips you back THEIR CODE so your not even afforded the same game play as the lower levels ....take a look at all the new arena accounts

    levelled in 300 or so days ...for free 20 - 40 k attacks no kills
    and they dont know whats going on in their own game
    the handicap on high levels is deliberate for the good of the game

    how come the good of the game allows alts and scripts to succeed and stay in the game
    and if ppl cant be bothered to level ....why hold back the cash ....dosent make any business sence

    but watch out

    you have openly cristised them

    they will throttle your account

    remember ....ticket to support ...get a generic reply ...its called CUSTOMER SERVICE ...not
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2013
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    All 4 games need this.

    If in ideas I would give it 10.
  5. ben

    ben Active Member

    it sure would be nice if they was up to the higher levelers...

    the way it is now is a big down fall for us and that should not be we all earn our way up the ladder...

    i no kano had to no that it would please kano can ya get the games up to par...
  6. I completely agree with you, there should be some undeads up there for you to get fight wins on, but, having no-one to fight is a consequence of fast/pay to play levelling unfortunately :(
    You'd think KANO would want to reward the people who give real life money to play, wouldn't you??

    Agreed again.
    I already suggested more Fight Kill achievements too, as you get rewarded for Hitlist kills, so why not Fight Kills???

    They'll soon feel it surely enough in their pockets, Slave... when the top players who'd buy UNs stop playing.
    Plus, with all the scripts and programs around now, you can apparently get yourself a gagillion UNs for free.

    I think it has gone way past the point of fixing now though, to be honest, which is a real proper shame :-/
  7. berrybala

    berrybala New Member

    I very much agree with you. This will only make our game better. Support you!

    I know that my future is not just a dream.​
  8. Chima Ejim

    Chima Ejim Banned

    Dear Kano, I realize you need to make money to live, but you need to serve the players properly, in turn to acquire more players, in turn to acquire more money in your pockets. Think into the future. Don't think about making money right this second. Take the proper actions necessary NOW to make sure you acquire more players in the future. This will bring you more long-term profits, and happier/more players.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2013

  9. I guess if your a Top player and your leaving the game.

    I see the same TOP players playing every single day. So i guess its just your day to complain.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    When I consider How Kano has done things over the years and the reality of what happens at the highest of levels in terms of being "throttled" or being more restricted ....I cant help but think that Kanos intent or at least hope is drive the highest levels out of the games. I think they think of them as not only burdens on their resources but as problematic in regards to the actual gaming environment for the masses. Its no secret that 99.9% of what Kano does is in favor of the masses...the highest of levels not being part of this group. One only has to read their stance on arena achievements to know this to be true. They dont award achievements for actually winning or placing in the top 5 because these rankings are obtained by so few. In their words they said the achievements that are in place are so because it allows more players to obtain them and that awarding achievements to the few that actually succeed in the arena would isnt good for the game. It makes sense that they would view the entirety of the games in the same way.

    I guess the question is ...can you blame them? Its easily argued that the highest of levels have spent the most money and I think that is true ....but they spend the most money individually. If I had to venture a guess I would say that the "masses" spend much more as a whole, 5 bucks here, 20 bucks there add up pretty quickly when your talking about thousands of players. If thats the case then its fairly reasonable to understand why they do some of the things they do. I would imagine alot of resources are gobbled up by the highest of levels in nearly every aspect of the business ranging from new content to customer support.

    I certainly blame them(Kano)...they are after all the creators of the games...who else is there to blame? You cant blame the few players that went out there and did exactly what the games allowed them to the extreme. Personally I think they just should have had far fewer restrictions in the first place thus allowing more players to do more. Sure...the extreme players would have done even more but I think a much larger group would be sitting among the higher levels and far fewer players that paid to played wouldn't have quit due to being disenchanted for getting less for doing more. Either that or they should have just let the game end at some point.

    So what Kano ended up doing is slowly throttling the highest of levels in an effort to allow the lower levels catch up and even allow them the opportunity to be more powerful by the time they did catch up. Dastardly? Maybe...but I dont know if I would go that far....I think they are just doing what they think was best for their business. Unfortunately....these games continued success depends on good press...mostly word of mouth. It only stands to reason after long time dedicated/, successful and paying customers start leaving in droves because they feel slighted that "word on the street" is not favorable.

    I think I understand why Kano does much of what they do and actually agree to some extent....what I dont agree with is how they handle it. They seem to try and hide it as if we wont ever if we are stupid. Thats completely disrespectful and more likely than not explains much of the dissipating player count and the often times contentious nature of the games and its forums. In the end I think they should just be forth coming or as they say...."transparent" and actually do something for these players that have afforded them so much by being huge contributors to their success. A lil honesty goes a long way to garnering respect and signs of appreciation for those who got ya there make all the difference in the world...especially when you continue to have to take away from them for what they deem as must for the good of the games.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2013
  11. LMFAO

    Yeah thats so cool. A bunch of higher lvls attacking people that have absolutely no chance at attacking back and winning whatsoever.

    Thats why its up to the PERSON to punch/attack/etc

    And another thing, i guess it really does blow when you are squaded with all the higher lvls in the game because you dont want to get a beatdown. So maybe you should shorten up your lil squad list to give yourself some more fights.

    If they adjust the percentages for all the higher lvls thats just going to make this really stupid.
  12. slave

    slave Member

    the more you respond the more it shows you no nothing about the game you play
  13. slave

    slave Member

    what would really be new would be, if you threw out an idea instead of putting down any idea that is put out there
  14. slave

    slave Member


    a beatdown? by what the two people in the game that can beat me?
    dude you really dont get it do you....
  15. Opps. I forgot. You own this game and everything that needs to be done is just for you and your liking.

    For someone that doesnt fight all that much either. You'd rather squad the world than attack others.

    Everything is always to your advantage in this game. When Kano figured out how Arena was corrupted and threw the throttle down. You had an issue. You couldnt take advantage therefore you were upset.

    Funny though how you and your boy have 1 million more attacks then everyone else and i guess your going to tell me that its all legit. I guess if your talking to someone that has no brain, they might actually believe that.

    For sensible minded people, we all know its not Legit.

    I've agreed in the past on a few things you've mentioned, The Faction Weekly is corrupted plain and simple.

    you have 3 factions that are running the table and we all know they are not Legit either.. 300 days old 60000 helps. Its absolutely ridiculous.

    Me and you might be on the same page if they got rid of the cheats and alt makers of this game, But alot of the things you ask for are more less Just to either 1. Make you happy 2. Enhance your game.

    guess you forgot about the other thousand + players that still play this game too.
  16. Quite frankly i dont give a ............... what you think of me, never cared, never will. You play your game, I'll play mine, I'll see you in the game.
  17. slave

    slave Member

    i gave kano express written permission to publicize my account details in arena
    i dont see anyone else doing that

    all my attacks are legit, always have been always will be

    maybe if you had build your toon different youd have more attacks too, i got lucky and they created a game that fit my build and it allowed me to level alot for about three months, and when i mean alot, i mean 100 levels every time arena came out and all for free just because i had high stam, sorry if other people put all their marbles into the attack/defense end and didnt get the benefit of free levels
    and free levels equaled free attacks and a lot of them

    as for my boy? im not exactly sure who you are referring to...
  18. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    If you pay 1000 euro to get to lvl 5000 yah i can think you getting mad Because there is nothing to do. Stop using real money to lvl up. /end of discussion the game is made to get fun not to fat your personal needs. Iam not even close to 5000 playing long time already. So you pay you think yes iam the top of this game and when you get the top its not even fun.... /facepalm No the game is fine. Stop crying about thinks thats is not needing yet however level 3500 is indeed a little low. lvl 10 bosses yes its indeed low. The can change to make lvl 50 or even lvl 100 achievements but when you play first this game you think no way i gone do all that.
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Yeah....what a great idea! everybody should just quit paying to play....that way Kano will go out of business and there will no longer be any issues as there will be no games to play. Talk about a "face palm" ;)
  20. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    Wow the best answer I see so far. Yah if you donate 20 euro a year there is no problem if you pay 1000 euro to get to the top is just stupid /nuff said. I don't say to remove "donation" I just saying If you pay to win. This is what you get. However paying for a click game is just retarded. But to support them is a other matter and off course you can do it with money and you get something in return. Or supporting finding bugs/glitch is also a support and you get also something in return not UN points but a great game that's killing the time in your bad room. If you donate them for winning is for them just lmfao easy money mode on. For me i support them yes even with some small amount of money but not for the win scenario. If you do that you got issue`s. And this game is not PAY TO PLAY........ talk about PAY TO WIN GUY here. :)

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