[VC] New Location: Hel's Rising!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Deltan, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Hel is no longer content with her underworld kingdom. She seeks the warmth of the sun and dominion over the living. The thunder of the drums and footfalls of her demonic army rattle the gates to the underworld. Gather your forces and prepare to meet Hel at the crossroads between life and death. The fate of all living beings rests on your shoulders.

  2. What level will it be? 6-7K?
  3. wingnut

    wingnut New Member

    Why do all the new bosses or locations always benefit the biggest players in the game? I have no problem with it, just would be nice to see something for the rest of us, thats all.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ummmm.....because there is still bosses and worlds for the low to mid levels to unlock...why would we need more for those levels? Anything that is released at the higher levels is indeed for every player regardless of level....it will be right there waiting for you once u level up and unlock all the stuff already available to you, just like the higher levels did.

    Lets not forget that its only something thats inserted into a "mature" game for low to mid levels that is exclusionary ....anything inserted at the tail end is available to all....just gotta be patient. Hope that helps ;)
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  5. wingnut

    wingnut New Member

    Is totally fair enough. Was just asking, but if take pride in making us smaller level look stupid, then good for you. job done lol
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    if you cannot do that location it just means you have locations to do before you get there, how does that make you look stupid, and if you have some HL clan they can share their bosses , the more you share yours the more that will share with you, get yourself alot of clan, the more you have the more things become available, for the longest time the HL did not have anything new, they just kept plugging away at the last location, now they have something new for all to aspire to , I am only mid/high level in one game and a real lower in another and have access to the newest bosses from my clan :) I also see nothing in Polish's comment that talked down to you,:) if anything it was supportive .
  7. Allen Sumaran

    Allen Sumaran Member

    Consider it an adventure.....half the fun is getting there lol
  8. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Ignore him, bitterness is his drink of choice.
  9. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    Cant wait to see the bosses that come with the new level!!!!!!!
  10. ViPCEO

    ViPCEO Member

    technically your post is inaccurate, if you have upper level players as clan or guild members, which most of us do, you will be able to share in the experience for the boss fights and assist them on the adventures as well. Therefore you will reap the monetary rewards for the adventure missions, as well as the XP. So the new location is indirectly made available to everyone regardless of level. I hope the enlightenment of this post cheers you up :)
  11. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    Hel's Rising Level 5950

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