Hi5 meet facebook LCN players

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Mr Goodkat, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Mr Goodkat

    Mr Goodkat New Member

    Hiya all,

    I know the transfer between hi5 and facebook has been a bit bumpy and the facebook LCN players have also not been happy with the goings on.

    I also know that many facebook LCN players do not like posting here which is why I have opened up a new facebook group to welcome the LCN players from hi5 and to give them a place to talk with some of the long time players from facebook.

    Look at it as a get to know you group, it is open to any LCN player who wishes to join in or just listen in, you can vent your frustration or chat and have fun either way come take a look.


    Mr GoodKat
  2. Thanks for the support, this is a great idea! :)
  3. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    thanks. invitation sent :D
  4. Mr Goodkat

    Mr Goodkat New Member

    Glad you could join. I know of a lot of ex hi5 players who are getting beat down by the facebook players and this will give you a chance to talk to others who may point you in the direction of their syndicate or group leaders to stop the attacks or put you in touch with others who are fighting the bullies.

    Either way it is worth a try, I know may players and syndicate leaders and will be happy to help.

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