[ZS] marriage

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Kai Tekana, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Kai Tekana

    Kai Tekana New Member

    I think players should be able to get married and special options for ways to, like, take damage for their spouse if hospitalized. people should be able to get devorsed, but then both their money is compiled and split in two. although, couples should not be forced to be squad allies just because they're married, couples quarrel irl don't they? and when two players get married everyone in their squads should get special gift options to send to them. people should be limited to the number of times they can get married though, or at least have the cost go up every time, first time be in ZS cash, and then it's UN credits
  2. Rick Soto

    Rick Soto New Member

    This may be an idea that has potential. I wouldn't call it "marriage" necessarily but rather like elite chieftains, to have the option to partner up with a friend for a limited time to add some extra perks.
    Out of the top of my head I would say:
    -Increased income by X% amount per hour or shared income
    -An extra X% offense/defense when battling
    -Share a common "Rivals" list that will enable you to attack back anyone who attacked your partner (and will also allow others akin to your partner level to attack you - so think twice about partnering with a higher lvl)
    -Shared an XP% bonus (i.e. 10%) - so if you ended up doing 10,000 XP a day, your partner would claim 1,000 XP
    -Decreasing the cost of property by X%

    Well, those are a couple of things I thought. Maybe others will have more ideas and make it more appealing.
  3. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Compiled rivals list? Now THERE is an idea!!!!

    How about instead of all other "perks" and betrothal...

    We could view the rivals list of all our faction/guild clan.

    Maybe asking too much to say, if they attack a faction memeber, then they are available to recieve attacks from any member in the faction... BUT we could at least see them to punch/hitlist and just overall make thier profiles clickable.
  4. This idea has some really funny merit to it! But all we need is alts getting "married" and splitting up to give the lesser one more cash. It is a very funny thought though as some folks on FB VC seem to be getting "married" all the time to different people then splitting up.

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