new crafting hints

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. are any hints going to be dropped for the new recipes??
  2. juanmmatam

    juanmmatam Member

    Do not believe so

    Most of new crafting are for high levels
  3. Why don't the Ancient UNs start selling hints to the more difficult recipes for Ancient UN orbs, whatever they may be.

    Why don't they design a good ol' calendar hinting at what items are used for a certain recipe, not the actual ingredient item but something to-do with the item required.

    As an example,

    say a recipe used an Odin's Helm (off the top of my head)

    the item "to-do" with this Odin's helm would be the head that it would be placed on.

    Odin's head.

  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Yep, but I'm very curious as to how to build a Zeppelin. The other pirates might sail the seas, I'll plunder them from the skies!
  5. juanmmatam

    juanmmatam Member

    Hints pls

    To the developers... in the past to describe some hints... we not need others for the new recipes. Thks
  6. Suzanne Lozes

    Suzanne Lozes New Member

    Hi Devs , this is my first post on kano's forum . with my half,we love the blacksmith recipes . we have found some of them ,but ,now ,we need a clue for the zeppelin and the chain rifle . thanks in advance.
    PS: my half found this one ...try an icicle rifle and a cannon ;-)
  7. brad8and8

    brad8and8 Member

    thought everyone had all the new hidden recipes, do people still need them
  8. TabithaMoon

    TabithaMoon Active Member

    I haven't found any hints or any activity for solving them, brad. Have you?
  9. Patti Wasson

    Patti Wasson New Member

    Zeppelin – Hidden

    Location: Bombay

    Unlock Level: 1650


    X1 sea wolf ship, crafting item

    X1 condor feather - gifts

    Crafting Cost: ?

    Steam Cannon – Hidden

    Location: Aurora Glacier

    Unlock Level: 2050

    Recipe: solved 10/20/11

    x1 ice rifle - crafting item

    x1 cannon = gifts

    Chain Riffle – Hidden

    Location: Easter Island

    Unlock Level: 2450

    Recipe: quanity is unknown for recipes items

    Whirlknife – crafting items

    Ancient Chest - gift

    Crafting Cost: 200,000,000
  10. Darthbocca

    Darthbocca New Member

    Yes I do please send me the list
  11. juarlita

    juarlita Member

    Noticed you had in another forum post mentioned that Autumn's Hammer had been solved. Are you willing to share the recipe?
  12. brad8and8

    brad8and8 Member

    havent been on forum for a while, but i see Patti listed the recipes above
  13. brad8and8

    brad8and8 Member

    1 of my facebook friends said bladebot was MASTER SABRE and TOPAZ DAGGER,
  14. brad8and8

    brad8and8 Member

    i actually dont have autumns hammer, some one gave me a recipe for it, but it was bogus

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